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Thursday, February 22, 2007
posted by Ben Wren | 8:28 PM | permalink

From the Washington Times:

The one Republican who all agree has been part of the negotiations from the start is Mr. McCain, who is running for his party's presidential nomination. This worries Republicans who say that Mr. McCain is the last Republican they want representing their interests in negotiations with Mr. Kennedy over immigration legislation.

Mr. McCain and Mr. Kennedy have long embraced the same goal of giving illegal aliens a direct path to U.S. citizenship despite having broken laws to get here in the first place. Both men also denounce the view held by most Republicans that the federal government should first secure the border with Mexico and begin enforcing current laws before addressing other immigration issues such as what to do with the more than 10 million to 12 million aliens already here.

Who has been in and out of negotiations this year signals to Republicans that Mr. Kennedy will introduce a bill that more resembles the original McCain-Kennedy bill than the compromise that was ultimately approved last year.
Amnesty John is unsuited for the Presidency based on this issue alone. If someone has this little respect for something as basic as our borders why should we trust him with the presidency.

There are, for me, a few issues that are important benchmarks for me. Pro-Life issues, the War on Terror, Taxes, and Immigration. The only candidate who gts 4/4 on these issues is Mitt Romney. Giuliani gets a 2/4 for the War on Terror and taxes, McCain gets a 1.5/4 for the war and partially on life(Campaign Finance has hurt the pro-life movement so he gets docked there. Though McCain says he now favors the Bush Tax Cuts he voted against them.)

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I know this is a long shot, but I see McCain dropping out of the race before the end of the year. He continues to loose support, and I think the gruel of this year's campaign could really wear on McCain physically. The early campaign season could prove advantageous for Romney in that regard.

I also think Giuliani is posturing as a VP, but that, too, is mere speculation.

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