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Friday, February 23, 2007
posted by jason | 8:21 AM | permalink
This was originally posted at, but I thought I would put it up here.

Anti-Romneyites were absolutely elated to hear this quote by Romney advisor James Bopp Jr. reported in Politico:
And about his candidate?

"I don’t know yet about Romney," Bopp admits. "I’m not really sure where [abortion] will ultimately fit in his agenda. He's still on a journey."
I had just posted a defense of Romney, and this made no sense. Why would a respected pro-lifer and Romney supporter write a strong article supporting Romney the same day he decides to rebuke him? It made no sense. Why would the politico only give us snippets of the interview and not the whole interview on such a controversial topic?

Read on . . .

Bopp responded on this in the comments section at
The last four paragraphs of Johathan Martin’s blog combines answers to several questions to me creating the erroneous impression that I am uncertain about Romney’s pro-life position. I am not. To the question: “will any of these candidates really advocate an end to abortion or were they just paying lip service to an important issue,” my view is that “Romney is sincere about advocating an end to abortion — he is not paying lip service to it.” If I had been asked further about this, I would have said that he will promote and sign pro-life legislation, oppose and veto pro-choice legislation (as he had done as Governor) and appoint strict constructionist judges. My statement about Romney in the last sentence of the Martin’s blog (which is correctly viewed by commentators here as “strange,” “odd,” and “bizarre,” if made to the question “is he paying lip service” to it) was about where does the abortion issue fit in his agenda, in other words what priority would he give it, and I think that it is important now and is growing in importance to him (that is the “journey” I was referring to).
It's funny about Bopp. When he joined up with Mitt all the Anti-Romneyites cried that Romney needed someone like Bopp to legitimize him. When Bopp’s statements are misconstrued in the Politico all the cynics knock Romney for not being Pro-life enough for Bopp. I hope today these cynics will follow suit and admit Bopp believes in Romney, and admit that just as a damning statement from Bopp carries weight, so does a strong statement of endorsement.

For me it's very interesting and humorous how overtly cynical some have become. Bopp works as an unpaid advisor, consultant and endorser for Romney, and for one reason only- Romney is worth what ever perceived risks presented by the Anti-Romneyites.

As Bopp purports, Romney will make the best Pro-life, Pro-Family Social Conservative candidate. Pro-choice Pro-Gay Guiliani will not change. Well get tough talk on war, but no veto's on pro-gay laws and loosening of abortion restrictions from congress. For McCain issues of Life and Marriage will be at best backburner topics, maybe delegated to the deep fryer.

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