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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 12:07 PM | permalink
The conservative blogosphere is abuzz with the #dontgo movement. But here's an angle we haven't pursued yet.  If you look at this issue through a strictly "liberal" lens you get a huge club to bash over the collective heads of Obama, Hillary and Pelosi (arguably the new political trinity come November).  

First the setup: Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have called for a tax on windfall profits for the oil industry.  Hillary was the most brazen in her Febuary 2007 statement: "I want to take those profits".  

Last week Exxon/Mobile reported another record quarter coming out billions of dollars in the black.  

It's a good thing too.

What's that?  A good thing that E/M is raking in beaucoup profits off of gas guzzling people across the world?  Why yes, yes it is a good thing.

Looking at their last quarterly reports E/M paid out $571,000,ooo in pension and retirement $$$.  In 2008 they have paid out $1,147,000,000 into the same bucket of retired employees.  Again, $1.1 billion in 6 months.  Last year they paid out nearly $2 billion in pension liabilities.  E/M is one of the largest employers in the world.

So, you do the math.  If Obama, Pelosi, and Clinton "take the profits" of E/M who will pay these pensions to these former employees?  Will hard working blue collar E/M people lose jobs?   And will E/M raise their prices to meet the increased demands as profits tighten and pensions increase.  Bottom line: YES.

Obama/Hillary/Pelosi + Opposing Drilling + Taking Profits = Disaster for a good swath of working Americans and people across the world.


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Oil is a free ride that can not last forever.

What is better for the US?
1) Continue using up a non-renewable energy source that has growing demand


2) Invest in alternatives, conserve energy, save our oil and sell it to developing countries when it inevitably will have a low supply and high demand?

One will create few new jobs, require no new skill sets, invent no new technologies and maintain the status quo and corrupt power structure.

The other will create jobs, encourage people to get an education, develop new technologies and give people energy independence.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 6, 2008 at 3:14 PM  

I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. I am a registered Independant with Conservative leanings; I left the Republican Party for what I felt were too many scandals and not being in touch anymore with true Conservatives.

As I've come to see the differences between, then, Liberals like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, etc - vs Conservatives like Romney, Reagan, Gingrich - I see that Liberals base their mindsets on emotion, pandering and immediate gratification (what "feels" good)....rather than logic or consequence.

Liberals and activist judges will ultimately destroy this great Country of ours with their reckless thinking! Although, there are some very foolish Repblicans that are going to help the Liberals if they don't get back to their conservative roots!

~NO gay marriage!
~NO decrease in military spending!
~NO tax increases!
~NO "Fair Tax"!
~Create a Flat Tax of 10% across all incomes - with no exemptions and/or no deductions!
~Stay away from and out of big business and oil companies!
~Start putting the Pledge of Allegiance back in our schools!
~STOP pandering to the ACLU and other anti-religion, anti-God, pro-homosexual organizations!
~Make English the official language of the U.S.!
~Secure our borders!
~Heavilly fine those businesses that hire undocumented/illegal aliens!
~NO special incentives, health insurance, drivers licenses, or privileges for illegal aliens!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 7, 2008 at 7:46 AM  

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