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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
posted by Justin Hart | 9:26 PM | permalink
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It's a great visual. I'm not getting my hopes up...what's Justin's opinion? That's what really matters.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 15, 2008 at 10:34 PM  

When it gets Drudge's attention this is suddenly serious! And I don't see a better choice out there. No one can hold a candle to Romney's competence and exemplary leadership.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 16, 2008 at 12:41 AM  

I read comments (in and the like) that they couldn't possibly be running mates because of John McCain's dislike for Mitt.

But my guess is that Mitt has completely melted John by this time.

Mitt is so gracious and supportive, how could John resist?!

Mitt Romney is one truly class act (his wife, Anne, is also).

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 17, 2008 at 2:01 AM  

Everyone should go to the Reuters Poll and vote for Romney!
(right hand side, about middle of page).

This poll is all over Huck*Pac and Romney is still winning by about 6%. Let's show Huckabee and McCain who we want to be the VP!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 18, 2008 at 12:46 AM  

I've read 3 or 4 stories the past couple weeks about Mitt's stock rising.You don't know if there's any inside info or copycat journalism(and what a shock that would be).Reading comments sections it seems it'spretty well recieved by republicans but the liberal's comments are pretty predictable about flip flopping.But the main theme of these articles keeps bringing up the dislike between the two. From what I've seen since the primary the rift if there ever was one has healed and Mitt's been a total team guy advocating for McCain.

What I worry aboutwith Mitt is the media is going to be looking for any excuse to attack him. And while he'd make a great attack dog for McCain,I can hear the media whining now if he did attack Obama.
There's also a few things Mitt disagress with McCain on,global warming and immigration being 2 of them. Still McCain needs to add some economic heft to the ticket along with fundraising and the possibility of delivering a couple purple states. Obama is only leading McCain by one point despite all the fluff coverage Obama's getting which gives a general feel of the election.The media's main job right now is to brainwash whites into thinking Obama is acceptable.His closely guarded trip overseas shows the fear his handlers have of even one gaffe.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 19, 2008 at 12:58 PM  

It is true that Mitt and John argued during the primary season. That's called debate and discussion and it is a valuable part of the political process. However, Mitt wrote in his book about the Olympics how much he enjoyed working with John during the process of bringing the Games to Utah. Mitt wrote that he admired John's leadership and his work in the Senate and how he helped serve as a liason between the Games and the government. While they do have some disagreements about some issues, I don't think these two men have ever disliked each other. The media might be surprised if John picks Mitt as Veep, but I won't be at all.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 19, 2008 at 9:23 PM  

I'm praying as hard as I can!!!! Please dear God, help John to see the light!!! Go Mitt!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 3, 2008 at 5:11 PM  

Well, it happened. It's not Mitt. The reason McCain didn't choose him is very simple. He is jelous of Romney's powerfull presence, his brain, his intelligence,his ability to lead.....good looks and charming smile. I truly believe Romney should go as Independent. He would get more votes than McCain. And Romney should not support McCain, because he doesn't deserve it and with this woman Palin I am sure he will lose the elections. I am conservative but I am not voting for McCain. I hope Romney will run for the governor of California once Schwarzeneger is out. We Californians would be so lucky!


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