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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
posted by Anne | 4:42 PM | permalink
For what it's worth--

Intrade shows Romney expected to win--live quotes, now 68%-35% Mitt over McCain. At noon it was 50-50

McCain spinning lowered expectations. The Politico

Still updating my earlier post from today, all day, but pulled out these most recent two points.
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So far this election season, exit polls for the Republican primaries have been indicative of the winner. I'm hoping that these MI exit polls keep the trend...and McCain's "lowering of exptectations" (read "I have now lost all momentum") make me think that Mitt's got this big win in the might not be a crushing blow, but then he'll have free press for a week and no more "he has to win" garbage.

Go Mitt! On to NV (and a good showing in SC) and FL! On to Super Tuesday!

P.S.- I'm expecting VERY little buzz on a Romney win, though he deserves 100x more than the IA and NH ballots. Why? The MSM doesn't want him in the race and everyone had counted him out. Those who counted him out in MI will say he pandered, was on home court (where was that home court 1 week ago?), etc. but he came back and won a big won today.

Take a look at this link for the First Exit Polls results.

Romney 35, McCain 29, Huckabee 15, Ron Paul 10, Giuliani 4

Mitt's winning in exit polls because REPUBLICANS decided their own primary! That's TWO golds now!

Go Mitt! I hope he cleans house. Aside from the win, some nice benefits:

1. McCain has NO momentum, cash, or credibility on the economy
2. Huckabee, for the 3rd straight state without a majority of evangelicals, comes in a distant THIRD
3. SC is now WIDE OPEN, even for someone like Thompson...which will leave...
4. NV for the taking for Mitt...
5. ...leaving FL wide open for taking, too...

...who's the "COMEBACK KID" now? Who was counting his candidacy as dead in the water?

I hope Mitt gives a great victory speech, and discounts the pundits, and Washington insiders, and focuses on the economy and how the PEOPLE, and his PARTY, got him the win and how they want an OUTSIDER for the presidency.

Go Mitt!

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