(from Jason Bonham)Day of the caucus. Today we are at Principal Financial network in Des Moines, where Romney will be speaking to the employees. Obviously one doesn’t have to think too hard to understand why Romney would focus on this group.
In the audience is Jim DeMint, Bob Bennet and Wayne Allard.
Some quotes:
Romney makes good joke “Don’t Touch the hair” The media laughs pretty hard at this.
“Wrong idea is to have Katrina People run medical care. “
“A lot of people running can talk about their ideas on healthcare…but I am the only guy who can talk about their success in healthcare.”
460,000 prior to Romney’s plan without insurance, now there are 300,000 new sign ups for insurance so far.
Hits topics on energy independence.
“Battle on best jobs in the world…now we are competing with China and India”
“Staying ahead and remaining world’s economic leader will not b as easy as it used to be”
Putting up trade barriers ”would absolutely guarantee America becoming a second their power”
“Americans love families and are patriotic.”
“I want to keep our tax burdens down, particularly on middle income families.”
“ I don’t think that there is anything more important than what goes on in the four walls of the American home.”
“I am convinced our future is brighter than our past”
“With you help and your vote, which I need, please go to the caucuses and vote, multiple times”
Questions from the audience:
1. Question about ads focusing targeting competitors. “can we look forward to that in the generals?”
Romney: ”absolutely” We need to get out the contrast, but “I am not going to attack character and tell people that they are dishonest.” “Part of politics and a good campaign is to define those differences so the people know where we line up.”
2. “How do you plan to increase the size of the military when they are having problems with that right now.”
If people are being called on to active duty, they don’t want to stay enrolled. Romney instituted “welcome Home Bill” gave four years of tuition fee free in Mass schools. Enrollment went up 30%. They need a good offer. We can raise from 1.5 million to 1.6 million.
3. What are your plans for congressional cooperation?
Romney: one of the great questions of any election. Washington is fundamentally broken, no real policy on a host of issues.
Learned from experience with “somewhat Democratic” legislature.
1. Never attacked Character of opposition in the Legislature.
2. Met regularly every week, personal relationship of trust. Dinners with wives”
3. Looked for common ground. Ex. Health Care Bill
4. Less score settling, shared credit, good for future negotiations
5. Recognition we need to act now
***Probably one of the best answers he’s given to a question that I have seen.
Romney basically hit every topic he could. Of note is that today Romney is wearing his dapper Navy Blue Suite as opposed to the khaki pants and plaid shirt from Yesterday. I doubt the guy could talk to a group of financial employees without being dressed in a suite. Romney clearly is on his home turf today,
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