posted by Nealie Ride | 7:07 PM |

I just posted this story at
NY for Mitt and quickly discovered it wasn't up here yet.
This story comes from
Hugh's blog:
Romney 35, McCain 29, Huckabee 15, Ron Paul 10, Giuliani 4?
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 6:33 PM
That's what Geraghty the Indispensable is hearing.
Cue the fat lady for Huck and McCain. The former can't get above 15% with a huge effort, and McCain can't win in an open primary state, one crucial to the fall, even when the Dems take a bye?
Of course, these aren’t the final numbers. After getting burned in both Iowa and New Hampshire, I now am extremely cautious about putting value on outcomes.
But, isn’t this leaked exit poll data encouraging? We’ll see how it goes throughout the evening.
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