posted by Jeff Fuller | 12:47 AM |
When McCain won New Hampshire by 5% (37% for him vs 32% for Mitt)
the AP headline read: "McCain wins in New Hampshire, where he bet it all" (incidentally, if you look at the top bar of your Internet browser it reads "McCain
Triumphs Where He Bet It All."

The contrast . . . When Romney won Michigan by nearly 10% and nearly 100,000 votes
the AP headline reads: "Romney
Edges McCain to Win Michigan"

And if that's not bad enough, check out the lead paragraphs to those AP articles . . .
John McCain rode the Straight Talk Express straight into first place in New Hampshire, and back into the thick of the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
''I hate to use to the word kid, but I think we showed the people of this country what a real comeback looks like,'' the Arizona senator told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday, savoring victory . . .
Another AP article about McCain's NH win leads with:
CONDORD, N.H. (AP) — Arizona Sen. John McCain won the New Hampshire Republican primary Tuesday night, completing a remarkable comeback and climbing back into contention for the presidential nomination.
"We showed the people of this country what a real comeback looks like," McCain told The Associated Press in an interview as he savored his triumph. "We're going to move on to Michigan and South Carolina and win the nomination."
The Arizona senator rode a wave of support from independent voters to defeat former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, a showing that reprised his victory in the traditional first-in-the-nation primary in 2000.
It was a bitter blow for Romney, who spent millions of dollars of his own money in hopes of winning the kickoff Iowa caucuses and the first primary — and finished second in both.
Now the contrast to the AP article linked to above about Romney's Michigan victory:
DETROIT (AP) - Mitt Romney scored his first major primary victory Tuesday in his native Michigan, a win he desperately needed to give his weakened candidacy new life and set the stage for a wide-open Republican showdown in South Carolina in just four days.
Romney was the third Republican victor in the first four states to vote in the 2008 primary season, further roiling a volatile nomination fight that lacks a clear favorite.
No agenda there, eh?
Then they have the audacity to give McCain the last word in the AP article about Romney's win!
McCain said he had called Romney to congratulate him ``that Michigan welcomed their native son with their support.''
``Starting tomorrow, we're going to win South Carolina, and we're going to go on and win the nomination,'' McCain declared, also in an AP interview.
Yes folks, McCain got more quoted words/sentences in the AP article about Romney's MI win than Romney himself did. Shameless.
I've blogged before that McCain's resurgence in NH and nationally has been a completely media created, directed, and propagated affair. I repeat my questions here:
Which do you think will have a better chance in the general election . . . the one who's a front-runner DESPITE the MSM coverage or the one(s) that's a challenger BECAUSE of the MSM coverage? I think the answer to that is clear. I'd want the guy who's truly battle-tested.
Lest there be any doubt, that guy is Mitt Romney!
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