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Monday, January 14, 2008

posted by jason | 12:38 PM | permalink

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Mitt at the Detroit Economic Club

Awesome speech. He showed strength, passion, commitment to his beliefs, ideals. Spoke naturally, from his heart. Was firm, strong, “brick”-like. Firm stance, no smiling (excellent), somewhat pale but it works right now. Did not look polished. That is a good thing. We know he is taking a beating and fighting hard for every vote, every endorsement. Being real which is what he is being.

“Nothing is as vulnerable as entrenched success,” excellent and wise to offer attribution elsewhere.

His father created the RAMBLER!!!! Ramblers are great!!!!

We love Ramblers! We love Ramblers! We love Ramblers!
(somehow Ramblers should get worked into the Romney campaign. George Romney was the early entrant…before his time with the compact car. It should be noted.)

England, France analogy was excellent. Once great countries but lost their greatness. Lets not let that happen to America.

Go, Mitt, Go……………………. You are a long-distance runner. Your message is becoming clearer and clearer. We hear your message; we hear your passion and commitment. We see your grit.

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