posted by jason | 2:17 PM |
Just finished up in Bettendorf Iowa. Romney gave short speech for supporters and also answered some questions from the press.
Of Note:
When asked about differences between McCain foreign policy and his:
"The Senate talks, I lead"
When asked how he was feeling about tomorrow, what exatly was going on in his mind:
"I am actually looking forward to it like a kid at christmas going to open presents and wants to see what's inside. Hopefully it's not a lump of coal."
He was very quick to bring up Sen. McCain in his speech and his stances on the Tax cuts, etc. When asked why he was so quick, was he now looking to MCCAin as the next competition instead of Huckabee his answer:
"I figured you would ask about Huckabee I just wanted to make sure I got them al in there." The press and supporters had a good laugh.
Al in all, he was on his game, and had penty of good jokes and quips. I am hoping to have the video up later today. The time onstraints and internet connection is limiting.
TIme to get back on the plane!
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