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The Associated Press is reporting "Bogus S. C. Card Cites Mormon Passages". Apparently the South Carolina GOP, or some of its members acting on their own, are dead-set against Romney and are kicking up the rhetoric a notch to try to grab public attention. Warren Thompkins, a political consultant who once ran GWB's 2000 campaign in South Carolina and is now Romney's top consultant in the state, says, "Anything this outrageous and childish and nonsensical would have a significant fallout on whoever did it and on whose behalf it was done."
This certainly was a sophomoric and insipid move on the part of whoever did this and won't reflect well on Huckabee, at least on a national stage, given his propensity to tout his theological credentials to whip up support among fundamentalist supporters. Whether S.C. voters will be bamboozled by this mass-mailed piece of fiction is another matter, but one would hope they would at least be curious enough to investigate these (not so) subtle charges against Romney because of his LDS faith to find out if they have any true merit.
Hint to any South Carolinians reading here...they don't have any true merit. Here are some resources for you to look at on this issue.
Live the Law of Tithing (an explanation of how the Church collects and uses tithing and why anyone would want to donate 1/10 of their income to the Church...another hint--it's not used for corny political mailings)
Political candidates who belong to the LDS Church must be racist and ethnocentric, right? Why else would they donate time and money so that the Church can assist with humanitarian causes worldwide, touching 163 countries and donating $201 million cash and $705 million in material assistance since 1985 alone? And, why else would they belong to a church that has more members outside of the U.S.A than within it?
The New New Bigotry, by Hugh Hewitt (by engaging in this sort of mudslinging, the ultra-right, fundamentalist set risks playing into the hands of the far left and having their own religious "peculiarities" thrown back in their faces come election time. Key quote: “Christians tempted to join in the laughter [at Mormon doctrine] should remember Balaam’s ass, Noah’s ark, and the water turned to wine.”)
There are many more examples, but I trust most people will know how to use Google wisely. As I always say, Mormonism (and now, I guess, political candidates who happen to be Mormons) is the only religion that people feel free to criticize without going to its meetings, reading its books, or talking to its people.
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