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Thursday, December 20, 2007
posted by Anne | 10:05 PM | permalink
Reid Wilson today, on his RCP Blog, Politics Nation:
Two weeks ago, Mitt Romney strode to a podium in College Station, Texas, and delivered a speech fraught with peril. The Mormon candidate, sick and tired of answering questions about his religion, was going to address faith in the public square and get it off his chest once and for all. Romney's Mormonism has been seen as an albatross around his neck, and with flagging poll numbers, a speech actually addressing the issue head-on was seen as a huge gamble that could make, or would break, his campaign.

Two weeks later, polls show Romney has reversed his slide, and while he isn't at the top of the GOP pack again, he's on his way up.
Read on for poll specifics and analysis.
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I think Mitt Romney doing his best moving toward president 2008. I am look forward to it. I don't really care he is Mormon or whatever the religion it is. His speech in Texas was GREAT !!! I loved his speech. His speech was better than Ronald Regan I used to know. His time was good time,too. I liked him too. Now is the time to change and create some presidency way. Mitt Romney has really Great for every Method. I really think that Mitt Romney could change America in the way. I agree every he is talking I feel his speech as president of the United States. I look forward to see that. America need President like him NOW. He will change America like his governor of his States. Winter Olympic in Utah was great success too. I hope he will do better if he will be president of United States. I want to see he create America wisely. I wish he will win the race by most of the States. I will cheer him up by post comment for him. Thank you for reading my comment. From Mike Miyake

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