Timotheus Writes: I respect Tom quite a bit and previously noted on this website that I had tried to mail him my thoughts on why he should drop out and endorse Romney. Two things stood out to me in the Politico article today about the endorsement. It is clear that part of the reasoning behind Tancredo's endorsement is that Romney stood up for conservative principles in a very democratic state. The other is that, if anyone will solve the problems with immigration, Romney is the most likely to get the job done. Also, check out the video announcement of Tancredo's withdrawal here. Whatever you might think about Tom Tancredo, his decision today clearly stands on his principles and you have to respect people who remember their principles.
Although, Tancredo had a lot of praise for Romney, just look at the Reuters article to further prove the point that this was partially an anti-Up-Chuck-abee endorsement.
He said Romney, who he met with before making his announcement, had a solid record on immigration and praised him as "the best hope for our cause."
"He will secure our borders," he said. "He'll require those who are presently here illegally to return home. He also has, by the way, a solid record that matches his rhetoric."
He said staying in the race might benefit candidates who he described as "abysmal" on immigration, pointing to the rise of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
And my last piece of evidence showing that Tancredo wants to make sure that Up-Chuck-abee does not win:
Tancredo's remarks quoted at Radio Iowa blog @ http://learfield.typepad.com/radioiowa/2007/12/tancredo-drops.html
"...There's a candidate who meets several criteria from my point of view....He will secure our borders....he'll require those who are presently here illegally to return home. He also has, by the way, a solid record that matches his rhetoric....He can go the distance. This morning I met with Governor Mitt Romney....I am withdrawing from this race and I am endorsing Governor Romney."
In answer to a reporter's question, Tancredo says of Romney: "He is the best hope for our cause."
In answer to another question -- about whether the rise of Huckabee had something to do with his decision, Tancredo said: "You bet your life it was."
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