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Thursday, December 20, 2007
posted by Myclob | 9:15 PM | permalink

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'd really like to know which "prominent DC-based Huckabee ally" told Mark Ambinder that...

 "Rush [Limbaugh] doesn't think for himself. That's not necessarily a slap because he's not paid to be a thinker—he's an entertainer. I can't remember the last time that he has veered from the talking points from the DC/Manhattan chattering class. If they were praising Huckabee, he would be too... Also, I have to think that he's dying to have Hillary in the White House. Bill Clinton made Rush a megastar. Having another Clinton back in power would make him the Leading Voice of the Opposition once again."

Really? Rush Limbaugh is part of the DC/Manhattan chattering class?

Hey, if Rush Limbaugh isn't "red state enough" to question Huckabee's conservative street cred, who is?

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If I recall correctly.Rush Limbaugh is the #1 source of hard news in the country. His listeners are among the most informed in the country. People want to know what Rush thinks about an issue,not whether he can juggle bowling pins as in an entertainer. The attack line about him being an entertainer is right out of the liberal playbook. John McCain said the same thing a couple years ago.Sure he adds humor and satire to his schitck but it's only done to illustrate absurdity with absurdity. Rush's audience are family members,it goes way beyond casual listeners tuning in for a guffaw or two.How much more junk in the trunk does the Huckster and his kooky cabal have?

BIG MISTAKE! Say goodnight Gracie.

A song by the band Steam comes to mind as I read this.

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