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Sunday, December 23, 2007
posted by jason | 9:55 AM | permalink
It's kind of funny to see every campaign pile on Romney, including the MSM. Frankly, nothing speaks better to Mitt's viability than the fact he is the derision of every campaign, and nearly every negative news story. This would include the angry scowl photo posted on the CNN political ticker (They have been using this as their Romney photo since at least June).

What's even more humerous is to see the McCain camp come out like their candidate is clean as a whistle, never having thrown an attack in his life. Unfortunately for them, nothing could be further from the truth.
For those of you who remember, one of the facts leading to McCain's summer implosion was non other than his need to attack Mitt incessantly. It was McCain who pushed a video of a half quote by Romney back in the summer, that he used to call into question Romney's conversion. In reality, when watched in whole, the quote by Romney is actually an explanation of Romney's decision to be pro-life.

Here was Mitt's response to it at an event in Chicago I video recorded:


Actually, it was McCain who owns the website Mitt vs.truth although he hides it now. Remember when called on it by the press, he backtracked realizing what a fool he made of himself by publically announcing it. (You can watch the video here, which is about McCain's attacks on Romney, McCain backtrack on the website is at the end of the clip)

Now contrast that with McCain's endorsement of Romney:


McCain also loves to repeat the line that Mitt supported his McShamnesty bill, which certainly was never the case. Romney, said it sounded like a good idea, when given a short synopsis about it by a reporter, but never said he supported it. First he uses it, now he hides it.

As a matter of fact, prior to the McCain summer implosion, McCain was literally obsessed with all things Romney. I wrote about that here:

McCain seems to be literally obsessed with Romney. I guess it's that whole dying gasp thing. First he was going to open, then he was thinking about it, now it's definitely off the table. Now he is in Massachusetts taking pot shots at Romney, all the while sinking himself into presidential obscurity:

BOSTON - Sen. John McCain said Monday he hopes to take advantage of former Gov. Mitt Romney's sagging support at home and lead a resurgence of the Republican Party in the northeast during the 2008 presidential campaign.

``One of the Republican Party's problems right now is we're not doing as well as we should in the northeastern part of America, and I intend to work very hard to gain their support and their votes,'' the Arizona Republican said during a stop at the Taj Boston hotel for a fundraiser.

Has anyone told McCain about his local party in Arizona and their thoughts on him?

We can also remember that it was McCain's campaign that used anti-mormon attacks last winter on several occasions, including two direct confrontations questioning Romney's faith by his supporters. McCain's mom also made some pretty bigoted remarks about Mormons and the Olympics on TV.

Who can forget McCain trying to (unsuccessfully) manipulate the results of the Maricopa County Straw Poll?

Beyond this McCain is well known in some corners for paying bloggers. For instance, certain anonymous bloggers in Iowa who were rumored to have been McCain supporters, yet suddenly disappeared in the middle of July and who have now reappeared.

McCain is a good man, but don't believe for a minute that he is somehow above throwing the distortions that his campaign claims have been thrown at them. Many here at this site started following the race here in the fall, and all they know about McCain is the story made comeback of the war hero. He is a war hero, but he is also a campaigner who is not afraid to throw distortions and use some pretty underhanded methods of campaigning.

And yes, he did fight against the Bush Tax Cuts for class warfare reasons:

"…Mr. McCain echoed the Democrats' message that it favors the wealthy, saying, 'I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief.'" (Ralph Z. Hallow, "Republicans See McCain As Liability," The Washington Times, 6/9/01)
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Okay, for the rest of my life, I'm going to refer to that bill as the McShamnesty bill. That is hilarious.

I do want to add though, that those kind of attacks that McCain was pushing back then, they don't bother me so much, as they're part of the deal when you're dealing with politics.

The attacks that really get under my skin are the knife in the back attacks that Huckabee has been handing out to Romney with a smile on his face. You know what I'm talking about.

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