posted by Nealie Ride | 6:02 PM |

I already posted this at
NY for Mitt, but knew we'd get a larger audience by posting here, too.
I saw this story earlier in the week at
Evangelicals for Mitt.
Here's today's story:
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told the Christian Broadcasting Network he had a theology degree, he told voters in Iowa he had a theology degree, he repeated the claim in last month's CNN YouTube debate ... but, his campaign now says, it was not true.
Huckabee's claim began unraveling following his offhanded comment about Mormonism in a New York Times interview last weekend.
In the interview, Huckabee's account of his education made no mention of his having earned a theology degree.
Chafets wrote: "If young Mike Huckabee was ever rebellious or difficult, there's no record of it. He preached his first sermon as a teenager, married his high-school sweetheart and went off to Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia. There he majored in speech and communications, worked at a radio station and earned his B.A. in a little more than two years.
He spent a year at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Tex., before dropping out to work for the televangelist James Robison, who bought him his first decent wardrobe and showed him how to use television."
This preacher--without a theology degree--has a lot of expaining to do.
Update by Slick Willie:As if getting caught once weren't enough, it appears Huck is continuing to fabricate his resume.
When questioned about the fact that he has no theology degree, Huckabee responded,
"I have a bachelor of arts in religion and a minor in communications in my undergraduate work. And then I have 46 hours on a master's degree at Southwestern Theology Seminary.
So, my degree as a theological degree is at the college level and then 46 hours toward a masters -- three years of study of New Testament Greek, and then the rest of it, all in Seminary was theological studies, but my degree was actually in religion."
If Huck's degree is in "Religion" as he claimed, he should suffer some ridicule.
But if
WorldNetDaily is right, and Huckabee's degree is actually in "Speech & Communications,"
not "Religion," he has moved from puffery to flat-out lying.
Almost having a theology degree does not equal having a theology degree no matter how much New Testament Greek you study.This type of deception is an absolute application killer when applying for a job or graduate school. How could it be acceptable for a president?
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