posted by Anonymous | 11:36 PM |
The AP has a nice biographical article of
Mitt as his father's legacy. While it covers some familiar ground, it is a good introduction on the character behind the man that we will hopefully call our next President. Here is a sample:
"Asked recently to name his most treasured possession, Mitt Romney had a quick answer: A 1962 Rambler his sons gave him on his 60th birthday. The relic was manufactured during George Romney's final year as American Motors chairman."
"The youngest of George and Lenore Romney's four children, Willard Mitt Romney was born on March 12, 1947, a 'miracle baby,' his father wrote, because Lenore Romney no longer thought she could become pregnant."
"Mitt developed a passion for his father's business and sat alongside George Romney as he pored over auto trade publications. The son absorbed the smallest details of the auto industry, down to the minutiae of each car's design."
"'I used to brag that you could show me one square foot and I could pick out the model and the year of the car,' he said."
"Although they lived a privileged life in the Detroit suburbs, Romney's parents sought to instill working-class values by making sure the kids pitched in with chores. That included shoveling before dawn during snowstorms."
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