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Monday, December 3, 2007
posted by jason | 1:31 PM | permalink
In a speech at Liberty University, Huckabee makes the case that Divine Intervention favors the Baptists:

Mr. Huckabee also said that Divine providence was responsible for his recent surge in the polls in Iowa, as he noted that he is the candidate with much less capital firepower than his rivals. Despite his fundraising shortfall, his message seems to be resonating with voters.

Wow. Remember I reported earlier how Huckabee claims to be endorsed by God:

New Beginnings church hasn’t endorsed anybody in the 2008 presidential race, but God probably has, pastor Larry Huch said Sunday.

..."“I believe that Sen. Huckabee is the David that you’ve brought in to be a head over this nation’s house,” Huch said, misstating Huckabee’s political rank. “And Father, I ask for the blessing on him, on his family, on their campaign, that you will keep them safe, you will give them wisdom, that you will give him favor, for he is giving you all the praise and all the glory.”

Apparently this was welcomed by Huckabee:

The crowd, some of them wearing yarmulkes, cheered noisily after Huch’s declaration, and they later stretched their hands toward Huckabee as they prayed for campaign season favor from heaven.

I am all for religion and being devout in your cause, but is it really a good game to claim God wants Huckabee over Romney in Iowa?
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Outrageous! Bordering on lunacy.

I'm not going to attack anybody else's religion, nor am I going to attack the right of a religion to endorse. (I know it's illegal, but that law is unconstitutional). Anyway, if they believe that "their God" endorsed Up-Chuck-abee so be it. They obviously believe in a different God than other people, and that is fine. "Their God" only controls the votes of a small congregation anyway.

It may be dangerously bad for Christians. What happens if Huckabee faulters? Does that make Christianity look bad? Didn't God want him to be President? You know, history has seen it share of leaders who claimed God wanted them to be in power and I am wholly convinced that I don't want anyone in office who thinks that.

If we are choosing our candidate based on religion we should remember that Jimmy Carter was a devote, sincere Christian, but a terrible President. In fact, Huckabee looks more and more like Carter everyday. Sincerely religious, but terrible economic policies.

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