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Thursday, December 6, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 5:53 PM | permalink
Hugh Hewitt posts a letter sent by James Dobson:
Colorado Springs, Colo. -- Focus on the Family Action founder and chairman James C. Dobson, Ph.D., issued the following statement today in response to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s speech on “Faith in America”:

“Gov. Romney’s speech was a magnificent reminder of the role religious faith must play in government and public policy. His delivery was passionate and his message was inspirational. Whether it will answer all the questions and concerns of Evangelical Christian voters is yet to be determined, but the governor is to be commended for articulating the importance of our religious heritage as it relates to today.

“Many in the media have been busily crafting the obituaries of ‘values voters’ in recent months. David Kirkpatrick of The New York Times, along with Tom Brokaw, Frank Rich and other liberal journalists, have been predicting a dramatic ‘Evangelical crackup’. They are dead wrong. Religion has already played a major role in this election cycle, and will continue to be evident through’08. The sanctity of human life, the institution of marriage and the care and nurturing of children will be important issues to people of faith as they choose a new generation of leaders. You can take it to the bank.

“Again, Gov. Romney’s speech served as a reminder that religion has always played a significant role in electoral politics. Candidates who disregard the spiritual heritage of this great nation and its viability today will do so at their peril.”


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I was admittedly anxious about the whole mormon issue and Romney, in fact, it was the sole reason why I haven't really supported him. Today is a different day. I thought he did a great job and the line about Sam Adams towards the end sold me. Good job Mitt, you may have swung this evangelical into your corner


Lots of non-endorsement messages of congratulation. I didn't think it possible, but it looks to me like many influential people are sitting the fence on this one.

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