posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:53 PM |
I think Tom Tancredo has
the right idea:
Republican presidential hopeful Tom Tancredo wants to put something important on the line -- his candidacy. His campaign called ABC News to issue this challenge: The Colorado congressman will drop out of the race if the Rockies lose the World Series -- if rival Mitt Romney agrees to pack it in if the Red Sox lose.
If only we could have gotten all of the candidates to do the same. We would no longer have such candidates as John McCain (Arizona Diamondbacks), Duncan Hunter (San Diego Padres), Dennis Kucinish (Cleveland Indians), Hillary Clinton (Cubs or Yankees, take your pick), or Rudy Giuliani (Yankees). Of course, Giuliani doesn't get to fudge by switching his affiliation to the Red Sox, as he is trying to do now. With the Red Sox just three games away from a championship, Mitt is looking like the safe bet to win this one.
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