posted by Kyle Hampton | 4:22 PM |
This is an easy win for Romney:
"One of the ways that you help instill, if you will, family values is by having a White House be a place that demonstrates family values," the Massachusetts Republican said in a response to a question at a New Hampshire house party about how he would instill family values as president.
"And, you know, I think during the last Clinton presidency, the White House did not demonstrate that in a way that was helpful to our nation's culture," Romney added.
No serious person would dispute this notion. The personal behavior of White House occupants directly affects the nation. Indeed, I think we can easily trace the "my private life is private" syndrome of public officials trying to hide unseemly behavior to Bill Clinton. Of course not all people are serious, which is why the CNN article quotes a response from the Clinton campaign that tries to shift the focus from family values to character:
Responding to Romney's comments, top Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson said, "Hillary Clinton needs no lessons on character from a man who switches his positions on a daily basis."
Does this mean that Clinton doesn't dispute the charge on family values, but instead will defend her character? Does it mean she values consistency more than morality? Perhaps she is willing to defend her own honor before her family's? I guess I shouldn't be surprised by any of it. It reminds me of Grampa Simpson trying to defend Homer from allegations of being a communist:
Grandpa: My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star.
Labels: Hillary Clinton
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