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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
posted by Kyle Hampton | 1:08 PM | permalink

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I hope this emphasis on spending continues. It is his real selling point.

It is what has sold me.

It's obvious the Romney campaign as got their ears to the ground and hear the rumblings from those who like him.

This is a great ad! Romney is such a fantastic person.

If he doesn't get the nomination, there is something seriously wrong with the GOP.

This is a good ad and a step in the right direction. I think as voters get to know him better, the campaign ought to consider dedicating a series of spots with each ad focusing on one of Mitt's turnaround efforts. Being careful not to brag, yet highlighting in an objective sounding way Mitt's role in transforming organizations. Doesn't always have to be the Olympics or Massachusetts, either. Folks of all stripes would eat up stories of Mitt looking under the hood and seeing and harvesting value in companies in ways that others wouldn't imagine. Tell the Staples story, or the Domino's pizza story in 30 seconds, only do it Paul Harvey story, not revealing the name of the organization until the last frame of the ad . . . ends on a high note of how Mitt Romney dug in and brought to AMerica one of its household names. Picture perfect, and completely in Mitt's Wheelhouse. Teflon resistant to attacks from rivals.

oh, and I'm with the rest of the blogosphere and their dogs - EASE UP ON THE REAGAN REFERENCES! We want ROMNEY not Reagan!

I like that idea - Romney starting something like "the rest of the story" only by a different title -- it would be a series. People love turn-around stories. At least I know I do.

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