How come more people don't know about this. This blows me away. I looks like Hillary is going to be the Demo's Nominee. How long do they think they can keep the dirt under the rug before the whole thing blows up?
Perhaps Mitt Romney is keeping this in his quiver for the most opportune moment. I mean I didn't know anything about this, and I assume most people don't. But if the Mitt campaign publishes this stuff before the Democratic Nominee is selected, then Hilliary could go down and Obama is the man. But if he waits until she is the solid nominee, then lift up the rug for the country to see, then that would cause the most damage.
I'm just appalled that this kind of stuff happens, but I probably shouldn't be so naive. We really need Mitt in the White House. Just look what our alternative is!
It constantly amazes me how GOOD the Clinton machine is at keeping this stuff from getting out. And how has everyone seemingly forgoten about all the scandals involving these two over the decades? True politicians, not true leaders.
I'm not sure if none of the dirt leaks out because the Clintons are so good at keeping it hidden or because those people with the dirt are scared literally to death about what the Clintons will have done to them if they say anything.
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