Donations usually slow in the third quarter, but former MA Gov. Mitt Romney is ready to write a check to keep his campaign's $80M budget on track. Still, the campaign will make one last public push.
Called the "Rally for Romney," this two-day event features dozens of local fundraisers across the country and culminates in a major Salt Lake City gala on Sept. 28.
In a video posted on the campaign's website, Romney says that "literally thousands" of Romney supporters have agreed to attend more than 40 different events so far.
The campaign has lowered the entry barrier to just $1,000 per person -- previous events had requested that each person committ to raising $5,000.
"Bring your own lists and your own associate fundraisers to reach that goal," a Romney fundraiser says.
Romney's fundraising organization is high-tech, and like every other candidate, he keeps track of donation bundlers by providing them with private codes. When they solicit donations, the new donors provide the campaign with the bundler's codes, and the bundlers are thusly rewarded.
I'll be attending the local DC event just outside the beltway in Tyson's Corner then heading up to Baltimore to be live for the PBS debate. Here's the video Marc refers to:
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