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Thursday, September 20, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 10:45 AM | permalink
Say what you will about James Dobson... he holds the ear of many social conservatives across this country. Recently he had this to say about Fred Thompson:

Isn't Thompson the candidate who is opposed to a Constitutional amendment to protect marriage, believes there should be 50 different definitions of marriage in the U.S., favors McCain-Feingold, won't talk at all about what he believes, and can't speak his way out of a paper bag on the campaign trail?... He has no passion, no zeal and no apparent 'want to.' And yet he is apparently the Great Hope that burns in the breasts of many conservative Christians? Well, not for me, my brothers. Not for me!

The AP went to say definitively that he WILL NOT support Thompson:

James Dobson, one of the nation's most politically influential evangelical Christians, made it clear in a message to friends this week he will not support Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson. In a private e-mail obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, Dobson accuses the former Tennessee senator and actor of being weak on the campaign trail and wrong on issues dear to social conservatives. … The founder and chairman of Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, Dobson draws a radio audience in the millions, many of whom who first came to trust the child psychologist for his conservative Christian advice on child-rearing. … Some Christian right leaders have pinned their hopes on Thompson, describing him as a Southern-fried Ronald Reagan. But others have voiced doubts in recent weeks about some of the same issues Dobson highlighted: his position on gay marriage and support for the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform legislation. Dobson and other Christian conservatives support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would bar gay marriage nationally. Thompson has said he would support a constitutional amendment that would prohibit states from imposing their gay marriage laws on other states, which falls well short of that.

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Now this isn't the AFA guy that doesn't like Mormons either, is he?

Well, I'm not sure if he "doesn't like Mormons," but I'm confident he doesn't like Mormonism. You can definitely be against Mormonism and support a Mormon... a common argument on all pro-Mitt sites.

Moreover, since he's already ruled out McCain, Rudy & Fred, he only has a couple of options to endorse: Huckabee or Mitt. While I'm sure he'd like to endorse Huckabee based on theology, Dobson endorsing Mitt seems inevitable (Huckster has 0% chance). If Dobson doesn't, his focus on the family approach is a hoax.

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