posted by Kyle Hampton | 12:19 PM |
- Patrick Ruffini (formerly with Giuliani’s campaign) says the time is
now to attack Romney:
Why? Look at the RCP chart. Romney’s growth nationally has been steady-as-she-goes, without the ups and downs that characterize a mature base of support. (It kind of reminds me of Dean’s growth in 2003.) His rise in IA and NH has been dizzying and remarkable...
- Bruce Bartlett
explains the FairTax and shows why it is both deceiving and impractical:
In reality, the FairTax rate is not 23%...If a product costs $1 at retail, the FairTax adds 30%, for a total of $1.30. Since the 30-cent tax is 23% of $1.30, FairTax supporters say the rate is 23% rather than 30%.
- More
staff turnover at the Thompson not-quite-campaign.
Dean Barnett says the wheels are coming off:
Here’s my big concern about Fred: I’m very worried about entrusting the most complex CEO job in the world to someone or anyone who’s never run anything bigger than a six person law firm. Thompson has no executive experience, and it shows in the way he’s run his campaign. The indecision, the lack of direction, the organizational incoherence – these are hallmarks of a rookie CEO.
- Much has been made of the different assessments given
by the Club for Growth to Mitt and Rudy. The
NY Times has a story out questioning Rudy’s fiscal discipline:
In fact, Mr. Giuliani left his successor, Michael R. Bloomberg, with a bigger deficit than the one Mr. Giuliani had to deal with when he arrived in 1994. And that deficit would have been large even if the city had not been attacked on Sept. 11, 2001.
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