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Saturday, August 4, 2007
posted by Myclob | 7:36 AM | permalink

From the YouTube Comments:

theaustinpeay says:

Romney is very impressive. Even when he doesn't know he's being taped. He's very classy.

darthmills says:
wow, first time i have seen mitt get upset. refreshing. Go get em mitt! President Romney 08!!

5M1L3 says:
I wonder if all the people who complained that Mitt Romney's clips were to short will appreciate the length of this video? I do like the candid, off the air part, at the end.

I feel Jan Mickelson had a pre-planned agenda for Mitt Romney to explain his views on his LDS religion and make his religion an issue in his run for the presidency. It however turned into a GREAT off air and genuine perspective of how Mitt views his moral and religious convictions, how those morals and views intertwine to make him what he is and yet separate as a President.
Mitt wins again, what a classy Presidential candidate.
Scott Rasmussen
Gilbert. Az.

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This is a strange link...

Is this from Barak Obama's site?

This is why there is no positive reason to give "the speech". People feel that reading one blurb about an issue they believe is Church doctrine trumps a person who has been a lifelong member, a bishop,and stake president. Anything he says is not going to change the mind of people like this because they are under the false assumption that we are all mindless sheep who never question, never think for ourselves. Let me tell you, sitting in Church meetings for three hours every Sunday, studying for an hour every day you go to high school, and taking several religion classes during college do give you countless hours to question, observe, and aply the principles our Church espouses. So for those out there who want to tell Members of the Church of Latterday Saints what we do and don't believe, remember, don't ask the question if you do not want to hear the answer.

Well said Kim. With few exceptions (scholars who devote years to the study of a particular religion), those who are convinced they better understand a religion than those who participate in that religion are delusional. It is a sign of an uneducated and egotistical mind.

Mickelson is a jerk. Romney did a great job in containing himself with this idiot. If I were Mitt I would not meet with this guy again. He's more interested in having the public hear him than having them hear Romney. Showing the off the air conversation was very smart on your part. Mitt handled himself superbly.
Jeff Bookman

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 5, 2007 at 9:20 AM  

Romney has a clear understanding of his religion, and the separation of church and state. Mickelson reads a paragraph on the Mormon church and thinks he's an expert. Once again, Romney handles himself with reasonableness and class. He is always on -- sharp as a tack.

The very simple truth of the matter is if the method by which Mitt worshiped Jesus Christ where different, he would be the clear front runner. -----
God help us all.
--- How is this any better than the Sunnis and the Shias?????

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 7, 2007 at 9:18 AM  

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