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Thursday, August 2, 2007
posted by jason | 3:40 PM | permalink
***This is Not an Official Romney Campaign Site- For Those Who Can't Tell*****

If I was to sum up who I think is the candidate who really has the worse chance for winning, I would say Brownback. If you were to ask me who is running the dirtiest campaign, again my answer would be Brownback. If you were to ask me a month ago who has worse chance of winning the '08 nomination, I would have said McCain. If you were to also ask me who at the time was running the dirtiest campaign, again the answer would be McCain. It's no small coincidence.

Brownback has a serious problems. The least of which is the guy having no credentials beyond his pro-life work and his ongoing work with poor countries. Both very laudable, yet neither presidential worthy on their own. I think we all know the need for executive, intellectual, and diplomatic skills. His most serious problems is the ongoing systemic problem in his campaign of attacking all the other Republican candidates, really it's unmatched in 2008.

I call it systemic, because frankly, that's what it is. It ranges from top to bottom. From the Big Cheese himself down to his summer staffers in Iowa.

For instance:

  • Brownback actually had the piece of mind to call Romney a liar in a press release where he himself was shading the facts (dare I say lie!?!).

  • I covered Brownback's manipulative bombs in this post.

  • Brownback has decided to make a weekly press release attacking Mitt Romney. Of course it shades the truth and takes things out of context in nearly every instance.

  • Brownback staffers have deliberatly attacked Romney's Religion.

  • Sam has taken to attacking other candidates family members. Brownback has now stooped to the level of attacking Ann Romney. While not only a gracious and inspiring women, but an amazing person of great integrity (and not the candidate)

  • Sam has now started attacking Tancredo (Twice so far)

  • Mention Romney to any Brownback staffer/volunteer/supporter and watch the animosity come to the surface- I guarantee you.

  • Now lets get to the quote that really matters:

    Sam Brownback campaign manager Rob Wasinger: "We are looking forward to running a strong issue-based, positive campaign." (The Associated Press, April 2, 2007)

    Now Sam. I am not your mommy (or your Daddy- more correctly), but do you think this how honest people deal with each other? Claim to run a positive campaign and instead spend your time executing the modern day political equivalent of Russian "Slash and Burn" warfare?

    C'mon Sam, for the sake of your party and the sake of your integrity...Clean Up Your Act!!
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    I really used to like Sam Brownback. Through his actions in this campaign, there is nothing he can ever do to regain my admiration or respect.
    Way to go Sam, way to go.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 2, 2007 at 5:38 PM  

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