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Friday, July 27, 2007
posted by Anonymous | 6:49 PM | permalink
I must confess that when Mitt Romney has said that John Edwards is still a serious candidate, I have been skeptical at times. But, of course, some people are skeptical about Mitt and so I decided to look at Edwards' website for the first time today.

As someone who is serious about the issues, I found it odd that the following graphic was prominently displayed on the home page. There was also a caption, "Hair! What Really Matters? You choose - Click here to watch the Hair Video."

On the same page is another section that has a video link. "John Edwards talks about haircuts and swiftboats - and what really matters."

Hair dominated 2 of the 3 "On the Campaign Trial" items on the home page. Now, I am not here to link to funny video of Edwards grooming himself or to dollar figures for haircuts. We can play gotcha! all day long between campaigns. However, if you think that hair is a non-issue, then stop focusing on it. Get over it, as it were, and talk about real issues. Self-deprecation is good to an extent, but this makes it look like John Edwards is as obsessed about people thinking he is too focused on his hair as he is obsessed about how his hair looks.
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