posted by Anonymous | 7:20 PM |
I was wondering about
the following information on Giuliani's Website...
"Rudy Giuliani supports reasonable restrictions on abortion such as parental notification with a judicial bypass and a ban on partial birth abortion – except when the life of the mother is at stake. He’s proud that adoptions increased 66% while abortions decreased over 16% in New York City when he was Mayor. But Rudy understands that this is a deeply personal moral dilemma, and people of good conscience can disagree respectfully."
I could write about how this should be rewritten, "Rudy Giuliani supports the right of a woman to have an abortion. Women under age 18 would need to have their doctor first notify their parents but it they didn't want to, a judge could order the notification waived. Other possible reasonable restrictions might apply. Rudy also understands you may think an unborn child has the right to be free from being killed for no good reason, but that is a personal and moral dilemma you have to deal with, not a public issue."
But, I don't want to sound like I am beating a dead horse. We all know Rudy is going to move the country in a more pro-choice direction.
My question is, do you think it is a good strategy for Giuliani to try and seem more pro-life than he realy is? I mean his strengths are clearly not in social conservatism. So, do people like me hear this and say, agh! give it up, or do some of them say, oh, he is trying to seem pro-life, maybe I should roll the dice with his Supreme Court nominations?
I must say, I am also confused about the numbers on abortions and adoptions, but I have to track down some actual figures before commenting further.
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