posted by Justin Hart | 3:00 PM |

TODAY June 7th, Mitt will be in DC to host the
Young Professionals for Mitt kickoff!So... how do you get in? Here's the menu (you can pay at the door) - use the fundraiser ID 588000:
- $50 - Hill Staffer (with valid ID) - click here
- $100 - General Admission - click here
- $250 - Event Patron (name appears on event sinage!) - click here
- $500 - Co-Host (name appears on event sinage and participation in strategy call) - click here
- $1000 - Name appears on event sinage, strategy calls, and you can attend the Leadership Meeting with Mitt on June 7th - click here
You can download the PDF file here to make a donation as well.As you can see we have a fantastic group of young professionals already involved in our DC chapter.
Thursday June 7, 2007
The Sewall-Belmont House
144 Constitution Avenue NE Washington,DC
(next to the Senate Hart Building)
6:30 PM
Labels: YP4MITT
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