posted by Justin Hart | 10:05 PM |
So McCain and Rudy won't "give Iowa a chance" as the song goes. The reaction of many pundits chimed in "oh, well, I guess that takes the wind out of Romney's sails." The reality behind the McCain/Rudy retreat however is far more interesting.
Recent polling showing Romney ahead in Iowa togther with an
unmatched ground game scared the competition into submission. This is classic Romney. Come out strong and turn the competition out the door by pure brute force.
It worked on January 8th of this year with a $6.5 million kick off of the campaign and now it's worked in Iowa.
With Mitt's sons buying a Winebego and promising to canvas all 99 counties in Iowa... With serious donors coming to Mitt's side of the aisle... With experienced Iowans at the helm for the ride... there was no way they could lose.
You see, when John McCain and Rudy Giuliani look at Team Romney Iowa this is what they see:

Gentry Collins, former executive director of the Iowan Republican Party; Doug Gross, former candidate for Governor; and native Iowan Jill Latham. A solid team with a record before the first major benchmark in Iowa. Way to go Team Romney.
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