posted by jason | 1:21 PM |
and it ain't Thompson. Word is it's
Keyes. AUGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keyes is undoubtedly the most articulate nut to come to the GOP. While he is smart and makes a good case the guy has the political skill of paper weight.
Jason's prediction: If Allan Keyes enters the race it will be as one sent to destroy Romney. The guy hates Romney. He is hand and glove with MassResistance.
Jason's prediction #2: Romney will literally wipe the floor with Alan. Alan destroyed the GOP in IL by making a fool out of the party with his half-brained carpetbagger run. Alan is articulate and smart, but fringy enough to erase any and all potential positives he could offer. Alan has no idea of the case law he spouts concerning Goodrich. It should actually be pretty fun. Undoubtedly he will attract some of the real fringy uber-conservatives, but mostly he will be there to be Romney's pebble in the shoe.
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