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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 11:19 AM | permalink
Frank Pastore's most recent piece on begs the ultimate question: Can I be elected town dog catcher? Why not you ask? Well for one very good reason: I'm a Mormon. You see for Pastore when there is a "conflict between the moral and the legal, the moral must trump."

Apparently, it may just be immoral to vote for a Mormon.

Pastore creates some interesting hypotheticals. For example, he won't vote for a "slanderer of Christianity" -- Of course, that would imply some type of action or behavior on the part of the candidate. No, for Pastore, no action or behavior is necessary: "The issue is not Romney the man, but Mormonism the religion." Wait, it's not Mormonism per say, it's Joseph Smith: "Since Joseph Smith so clearly misrepresents the person and work of Jesus Christ" No wait, it's the Book of Mormon which is "antithetical to the Bible." Pastore tries again again to pinpoint the problem and questions aloud: "why would it be bigotry if someone chooses not to support such heresy?"

This begs another question: does voting for a Mormon constitute voting for heresy? He finally gets to the actual concern he has at the very end of his article: Pastore believes that "public criticism of Mormonism will be chilled" if Romney is elected.

So, to summarize, Pastore believes that Mormoism is heresy, that behavior and character is trumped by doctrinal disagreements, and that Romney is fine but his election would be bad for Pastore's brand of faith because he couldn't bash Mormonism. Did I get that right?

Ken Jennings, Mormon propagandist

Does this only apply to the President? How about the Senate Minority Leader? Should Senator Hatch be removed from the judiciary committee? Should Christians rally against Ken Jennings because he makes Mormons look smart?

Can Pastore point to a single Mormon doctrine that would disqualify Romney from office? Something concrete and decisively egregious that would have all Christians block the road the 1600 Penn. Ave.? Or, in the words of Evangelical scholar Richard Mouw, are you a "bellicose theological terrorist."?

Hugh Hewitt points out that the serious anti-Mormon articles questioning Romney's fitness for office have come from the left. Kevin McCullogh and Mike Gallagher are coming dangerously close to breaking that monopoly. I think Frank Pastore just did.

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Thank you for addressing that bigoted article. The amount of hatred spewed in the comments section was incredible as well. The logic and arguments were so shallow and hateful it was incredible. I'm surprised someone from his religion doesn't say, "Hey, now, they're not the devil. They believe different things, but they're not horrible people. If Mitt has the same values as I do, that's all that matters." At least he was honest in saying that he didn't want Mitt to win because that would mean he couldn't be openly bigoted towards mormons and mormonism!

These people need to be asked which religions are "acceptable" in a public servant. Would they prefer an Atheist over a Mormon? How is it Christian to vote against somebody who advances the real and tangible causes important to Christians?
If we are to judge people by their fruits and these writings are their fruit, they are in big trouble (especially McCullogh).

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 5, 2007 at 11:59 AM  

It has been said that the greatest power for Chritianity to change the hearts and minds of the world to follow the teachings of its Master will be when Christians as a whole live the teachings of "love thy nieghbor as thyself", "judge not that ye be judged", "remove the mote from your eye...", etc. Should we not be celebrating our moral commonality as Christians? When someone stands for what is right regardless of their faith we must stand with them. Such hatred among faiths results in what is happening in Irag and of course has been the cause of countless wars and suffering. If you want to convert me to your faith first begin by living it. Attacking other faiths is not what was taught by the Master of Christianity.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 5, 2007 at 1:08 PM  

I think Dan nailed it. Thanks for the inspiring words, I hope that Mitt responds this way if someone is bigoted and disrespectful.

Can Pastore point to a single Mormon doctrine that would disqualify Romney from office?

That's easy. The Book of Abraham and official statements made by the First Presidency in 1949 and 1969 state that Blacks were cursed collectively as descendants of Cain and Ham and individually because of their behavior in the premortal existence. These statements have never been rescinded. Obviously, a person who has supported and promoted an organization with an ideology of racial supremacy is ethically disqualified for consideration for president of the US given the history of race relations in this country.

Add the sexism and homophobia contained in the Proclamation on the Family and Romney is even less qualified to stand for election.

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