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Monday, June 4, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 6:55 AM | permalink

Mitt Romney-Road to the White House: Romney: Innovation and Transformation

"It's time for innovation and transformation in Washington.

It's what our country needs.

It's what our people deserve." ~ Mitt Romney

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Patrick Ruffini: Hillary Loses

via Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog on Jun 04, 2007
Hillary did not do well. Early on, she was outmaneuvered by John Edwards and Barack Obama on the war. Edwards succeeded in portraying himself as the most over-the-top in the anti-war caucus. Obama's put-down of Edwards'...

Florida for Mitt: Stop the Bigotry!

via Planet Romney by (James) on Jun 04, 2007
If you surf the net finding opinions and articles about Governor Romney, much of the material you will read is hogwash why Mitt Romney's religion matters in the upcoming election. People will try to be "understanding" and "open-minded" in their long and "tactful" attacks on Romney's faith as they try to "inform" the public of the risks involved in electing a Mormon President.

What risks? That the Mormon religion will win over more converts (if they won't win over you--what are you afraid of)? That people will come to know that Mormons are just regular people too?........What, honestly, is there to fear?

It's interesting that none of these reasons to be wary of a Mormon president has anything to do with politics. Bottom line, people are afraid of what they don't understand. You know, I don't even think we as a nation have to fully understand Mormonism.........we just need to take a good look at Romney the person.

Our nation has made wonderful strides in accepting people of various cultures, races, and religions. For whatever reason, we're still really behind the curve of understanding regarding Mormonism.

Recently, we've heard the outrageous story of the Floridian preacher, Bill Keller, who emailed nearly 3 million Americans saying "that if you vote for Mitt Romney, you are voting for Satan!" We shouldn't accept this behavior in Florida folks--we have a good reputation of welcoming people with open arms. You know, it wouldn't be so bad if Keller was the only bigot out and the blogosphere is full of bigotry. It's also a challenge to see or read an interview with Romney that religion doesn't come up. Let's not tolerate this anymore! Please help me fight bigotry's ugly--I doubt any of the pictures in this post makes you feel warm and fuzzy.....well, it shouldn't--let's make sure bigotry is not a factor in the upcoming election.

P.S. I want to apologize to Governor Romney for posting this.......he has handled bigotry with ease and grace--he's a classy guy. Perhaps I should do the same, but for now--I'll exercise my freedom of speech.

Evangelicals for Mitt: THE BUZZ

Mary Matalin (whom I adore--she graciously endorsed my book) might be joining Fred Thompson's team.

South Carolinians for Romney: Polls Show Romney Making Progress in S.C.

Recent polling has shown Romney making progress here in the Palmetto State. As recently as April he was still polling in the single-digits among South Carolina Republicans. The last two polls in South Carolina show Romney with 10% and 12%.

First, the American Research Group conducted a poll between May 23-26, 2007 with Romney pulling in 10% of the vote–up from 5% and 6% in previous polls.

Next, theWinthrop/ETV Poll, conducted between May 16 and May 27, 2007 show Romney coming in third place among registered Republicans:

Rudy Giuliani - 18.6

John McCain - 14.4

Mitt Romney - 11.7

Fred Thompson - 6.4

It is interesting to note that 30% were listed as undecided. Of that 30% you can bet that all of them already know and have an opinion of Rudy Giuliani and John McCain and will likely break for Romney and Thompson. As we’ve said many times, and as we have seen after the first two debates, when people get to know Romney, they tend to like him.

Look for South Carolina to become a horse race between Romney and Thompson with Romney coming out on top due to his strong organization and superior fundraising.

Romney's Political Fortune Tied to Business Past


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