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Thursday, May 31, 2007
posted by jason | 1:26 PM | permalink
He's coming along!

First this 2 weeks ago:

O'REILLY: What about Romney? What do you think of him? He's pretty slick.

MILLER: Yeah. You know what? I like Mitt Romney, but I do kind of like what McCain said, that he doesn't, you know at least McCain — I'm not voting for John because I think he's a little old. But McCain sticks by his guns. Romney has sort of slid it around a little. When you look that good and you slide it around a little, there's a snake oil salesman vibe about him that might be a little weird for me.

O'REILLY: All right.

MILLER: I'm a Rudy guy.

And now this:

O'REILLY: ...Now, Mitt Romney according to a Rasmussen poll is up to 16 percent. Your guy, Rudy, is at 25. It looks like Romney's getting some traction. What do you think about that?

MILLER: Well, I'm wondering at the TIME photo you're showing. I don't remember, but that must be them sort of aping the notes on an old TIME cover with his dad, George.

Listen, I am a Rudy guy. I've often said that. I'm going to introduce the mayor at an L.A. fundraiser later tonight. I think that Rudy, as far as terrorism goes, is just entering his peak killing years. And that's why I'm for him.

But I must say that Romney is a pretty smooth customer. I think he's done great in the debates so far. And I think his plan, and it's a pretty smart one, is to lever the whole heist with Iowa and New Hampshire. Old school stuff. Spend some money there. Do some local ads. Put your bass widgeons on the ground. Shake some hands.

Then later in the summer you go out to Ames for that straw poll. Bus people in, or hay cart them in, or whatever they have to do. Show some muscle and then beat these guys in the second quarter earnings.

O'REILLY: But you've got a very — how important in this world is Romney's appearance? Which, I mean, you can't get more presidential looking than Mitt Romney.

I mean, look, if you were to make up a guy, this would be the guy, you know, that looks presidential. He's got the jaw going on, the little gray thing in there. And I think that means a lot in America.

MILLER: Well, I do, too. But when you back it up with the fact that he's competent, too. He ran a pretty tight Olympics. And you know, this is the guy who invented Staples. And I think he understands a step-by-step business plan. And I think the Staples thing is going to come out as adversaries best keep their head up, because it will be death by a thousand cuts with Romney. It will be a very...

O'REILLY: Staples, the Staples department store? Is that what you're saying?

MILLER: Staples office stores.

O'REILLY: Yes, the office stores.

MILLER: Romney was there at the beginning of that.


Video Here. Hat tip reader Glen.
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