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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
posted by jason | 9:36 AM | permalink
From CBS News (And I am glad they pointed out this guy is a liberal)

AP) Mitt Romney's visit to New Hampshire started on a sour note Tuesday when a restaurant patron declared he would not vote for the Republican presidential contender because of his faith.

"I'm one person who will not vote for a Mormon," Al Michaud of Dover shouted at Romney when the former Massachusetts governor approached him inside Harvey's Bakery. Romney was kicking off the second of two day's worth of campaign visits in the lead primary state.

Romney kept smiling as he asked, "Can I shake your hand anyway?"

Michaud replied, "No."

Michaud later told reporters he was not "a right-winger," alluding to some evangelical Christians who have compared Romney's faith to a cult. Instead, Michaud stated he was "a liberal."

He said he planned to vote for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., should she win the Democratic presidential nomination.

If elected, Romney would be the first Mormon to serve in the White House.
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What was the point? Hillary can't be that scared of Romney yet, can she? HMM...

But, but, but...liberal LOVE Mitt Romney. How can this be? How will MSM and McCain keep up the "Mitt is too liberal" argument if this sort of thing keeps happening?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 29, 2007 at 10:21 AM  

Wow! We know from that exchange who has class and who doesn't.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 29, 2007 at 3:42 PM  

This continues to prove te point that most of the people who have a problem with Romney's religion come from the Left.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 30, 2007 at 1:08 AM  

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