posted by Justin Hart | 8:15 PM |

As we implied in our
HughTube entry last month, Rudy's closet still requires a good deal of sweeping.
Jonathan Martin of Politico notes:
Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani in his campaign appearances this year has stated that he personally abhors abortion, even though he supports keeping a legal right to choose. But records show that in the '90s he contributed money at least six times to Planned Parenthood, one of the country's leading abortion rights groups and its top provider of abortions.
Governor Romney
took some grief for giving a $250 donation to a Democrat... but I would say this is just a bit worse for the wear for Rudy. Hmmm... Deroy, any thoughts on this?
Here's one of my favorite ads from Planned Parenthood.
This is the kind of stuff I abhor. I hope the mayor does as well.
Someone should ask if, like Gov. Romney, he regrets his previous positions. Someone should ask if he regrets these contributions?
Labels: abortion, donations, planned parenthood, rudy
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