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Monday, May 7, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 1:35 PM | permalink
UPDATE: Matt Lewis of and others have some legitimate qualms with the NH poll. That's fine. But the % error in the poll to show anything but movement upward for Mitt is convincing enough to me to tout it.

So the latest poll out of New Hampshire shows Romney with his first significant lead over McCain and Rudy. Even John Podhoretz had to concede that Romney helped himself in the debate.

So what's happening here? How is a small no-name Governor making a name for himself in a state that borders Massachusetts but prides itself on being very different than it's southern neighbor?

Two words: ground game.

Fred Thompson advocates are all excited about running a virtual campaign that has few boots but lots of national pizazz. "National pizazz" should be part of every campaign (Romney has the national fundraising snazzy programs for example) but you NEED BOOTS ON THE GROUND to make a difference.

Dick Morris loves to talk about the Internet making a big difference.... he's right about that... but he has misguided expectations if he things it will make ALL the difference. It won't.

But I like the Internet a lot.... so on the inaugural day of I give you the interactive New Hampshire Google Map.

Never mind the Mitt Roots... let's demonstrate the Mitt "Boots".

New Hampshire for Mitt Romney
If you like Google Earth... here's the download link for the KML file!

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I think it is because Mitt has tapped into the Battlefield Earth loving scientology clan out in Nashua, and let's face it his hair is pretty nice.

We are ardent supporters of Mitt Romney for president and have helped develop a huge following for him in southern Colorado. We want to see him begin entertaining a possible VP running mate, preferably (and one of the few that can help beat the Clinton/Obama juggernaut in the general election) Senator Elizabeth Dole. Senator Dole is respected and admired by a wide swath of Americans. She is trusted by conservatives and moderates alike, and feared enough by liberals not to critisize her for fear of voter-backlash. A Romney/Dole team-up, if hinted at NOW---not after the priamries have started---will assure Romney's rise in the national polls. If only we can get the message to Romney's people to start such talks ASAP. He needs that boost now, even if he can't make it official just yet. Please, help us get the word to Romney's team on this. We've contacted his campaign on this, but are doubtful that it has been shared with Romney himself. --Dr. Max S. Chartrand

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