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Thursday, April 19, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 3:10 PM | permalink
Cross-posted at by HeavyM.

There’s been several dozen articles in local media outlets in the past three or four days regarding the candidates’ fundraising totals - because the FEC reports released on Sunday broke the money down by state. So instead of having to read from the local NH paper that Romney raised the most in that state or the local NV paper that Rudy raised the most there, I have sorted through the FEC reports and compiled all the data for you. I know, you can thank me later. :)

I’ll put the early primary states above the fold, and if you’re really nerdy, like I am, you can find much more information below the fold. If a candidate’s name isn’t listed, they didn’t raise anything from that particular state. And remember, these numbers may or may not tell us anything - they do not reflect the current state of the race; they are simply one ingredient with which to gauge the support of the candidates in various states. (If you want numbers from other specific states than these 5, let me know and I’ll put them in the comments section.)

Romney outraised all other candidates combined in this state:
Romney - $40,750
McCain - $8,767
Giuliani - $8,550
T Thompson - $4,800
Brownback - $3,900
Hunter - $2,100
Paul - $450
Tancredo - $215

Giuliani outraised all other candidates combined in NV:
Giuliani - $526,375
Romney - $397,235
McCain - $99,500
Paul - $5,500
Tancredo - $5,050
Brownback - $3,000
T Thompson - $1,000
Hunter - $600
Huckabee - $500

New Hampshire
Romney again outraised all other candidates combined in NH:
Romney - $126,450
Paul - $16,950
McCain - $13,732
Giuliani - $13,300
Hunter - $12,900
Tancredo - $6,700
T Thompson - $2,300
Brownback - $1,950
Huckabee - $1,375
Gilmore - $1,000

South Carolina
Romney - $174,525
McCain - $127,565
Giuliani - $120,650
Hunter - $18,000
Brownback - $7,612
Paul - $2,083
Huckabee - $1,350
Tancredo - $850

A close one in the Sunshine State:
Romney - $1,007,080
McCain - $999,456
Giuliani - $822,950
Paul - $39,915
Brownback - $35,194
Tancredo - $8,965
Hunter - $8,850
T Thompson - $7,600
Huckabee - $5,400

Top Fundraiser in Each State
Brownback raised the most in Kansas, as did Huckabee in Arkansas. McCain was the top money man in 7 states (AZ, DC, IL, MS, NC, ND, and VA). Giuliani was tops in 11 states (DE, HI, IN, MN, NJ, NV, NY, OK, PA, TX, and WV). Romney took the other 30 states.

Top States By Percentage of Total Money Raised

CA - 17.37%
UT - 13.94%
MA - 11.72%
TX - 5.37%
NY - 5.34%

CA - 15.37%
NY - 11.74%
AZ - 11.46%
TX - 9.15%
FL - 9.08%

NY - 22.32%
CA - 18.00%
TX - 16.16%
NJ - 6.87%
FL - 6.06%

KS - 18.53%
CA - 10.26%
PA - 7.26%
NY - 7.22%
FL - 7.00%

Random Facts
Only Romney, McCain, and Giuliani raised money from all 50 states plus DC. Brownback came closest to them with 46. Gilmore wins the award for least number of states with only 14. Ron Paul surprised with money from 44 states.

Of the 30 states Romney topped in total dollars, he raised more than all the rest of the candidates combined in 21 of them: CO, GA, IA, ID, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MO, NH, NM, OH, OR, RI, SD, TN, UT, VT, WA, and WY. Giuliani managed to do the same in 6 of his 11 states: IN, NJ, NV, NY, OK, and WV. McCain did so in 2 of his 7: AZ and MS.

The highest percentage of money from one state award goes to Tommy Thompson, who raised 70% of his funds from WI. Gilmore was next with 61% of his money coming from VA, and Huckabee raised over 52% of his from Arkansas.


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Where are all of the MSM articles talking about how all of Rudy's money is coming from liberal New Yorkers? That statement would be more true than the MSM's statements about Romney's money all coming from Mormons and Wall Street.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 19, 2007 at 4:33 PM  

Nevada? Sin City for Rudi?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 19, 2007 at 9:22 PM  

You said if we wanted info from other states to let you know and you'd put it in the comments section... How about MT and NM?

And Thanks for sorting through the FEC reports and compiling all the data for us! ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 24, 2007 at 4:27 PM  

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