
Thursday, April 19, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 6:04 AM | permalink
GOP: Romney Secures Strong Start In Iowa DES MOINES REGISTER: Thomas Beaumont "If you were taking a snapshot right now, Gov. Romney has got the most momentum in Southwest Iowa", said Pottawattamie County Republican Chairman, David Overholtzer. This article speaks to the outstanding organizational ability of Team Romney. Although the author stresses that Rudy Guiliani tops the polls, his on the ground presence significantly trails MR's. If I were Guiliani and McCain, I'd be looking in the rear view mirror and watching MR pull up to within a couple of inches of my bumper! ~~John Cronin~~ Mitt Romney Statement On Today's Supreme Court Ruling STATEMENT ON TODAY'S SUPREME COURT RULING Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement praising the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act: "Today, our nation's highest court reaffirmed the value of life in America by upholding a ban on a practice that offends basic human decency. This decision represents a step forward in protecting the weakest and most innocent among us." "Californians for Romney" -- Blog http://www.californiansforromney.com/ As this year progresses toward the February primary in California, please drop in to visit the Californians For Romney Blog. You will start to see much more content that is of course unique to California. There will be many important events planned by Governor Romney throughout the State of California and these events will be covered in detail at the site as well as many other developing stories and issues distinct to CA. At the end of April, Mitt will be making a number of appearances in the state and on May 3rd, he will be in Simi Valley for the first GOP debate. If you live in California and are aware of breaking news or know of important visits planned by Governor Romney, please leave a comment on this post with details and we will get that information to our friends over at the CA blog. As well, you can go there now and leave comments to Aaron and Paul who have posted on the site today. Any and all suggestions will be seriously considered! Please return often to the CA site and look for new blogs by those who have just joined our team. We welcome all to visit The Land of Ronald Reagan! To visit the site, click: CaliforniansForRomney . ~ RHR Many Conservatives Were Hoping Rudy Giuliani Could Be Given Benefit Of The Doubt On Abortion - It Is Not Looking Good This piece from W. James Antle III of The American Spectator does a good job of summarizing the rapidly deteriorating possibility of religious and social conservatives co-existing and forming a coalition with Rudy Giuliani in the 2008 presidential race due to abortion. And while there seemed to be room for compromise between the two sides, the Mayor’s flippant plus legally and morally inconsistent recent remarks about the issue, in addition to his similarly terse and incoherent thoughts on gun control, have arguably caused an irreparable rift that is going to cost him significant conservative support. Mayor Giuliani didn’t exactly have conservatives at hello, but many of them were listening to and considering him up until he failed to speak their language on the issues they care most about. Now, some of his staunchest supporters in the media, such as John Podhoretz and the editors of National Review, are opining that the Mayor “has tied himself in knots” and squandered an opportunity to form a broad and winning coalition over his recent pronouncements on social issues. Ah, what might have been. Hugh Hewitt: A 5-4 Decision Against Barbarism The good news is that an abhorrent procedure is outlawed. The bad news is that Casey remains good law, and its holding remains elusive. Would a state statute prohibiting post-viability abortions except when the life... Hugh Hewitt: The Looming Tower Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower won a Pulitzer this week for general nonfiction. Though the Pulitzers have become the occasion for a good laugh --a sort of celebration of buggy craftsmanship in the age of the... John Dickerson. Have you heard of the 2002 winter olympics? http://www.slate.com/id/2164380/ Romney, the richest candidate, was stingiest with his staff members' salaries and often had them fly discount airlines and double up on accommodations like the Super 8 Motel. Instead of free drinks and food at the campaign, they're only subsidized (sodas at 25 cents a can; snacks in the vending machine are 50 cents). His [religious] ties appear to be paying off. So far, Utahans have contributed more than residents of any other state except California. Click here for the complete article. Hey John Dickerson, you ever hear of the 2002 winter olympics? Do you know where they were held? Do you know who ran them? Perhaps this had something to do with it? Also from the piece: Clinton: ($26 million raised; $30 million on hand.) The senator owes $277,000 to Penn, Schoen & Berland, the polling firm run by her chief strategist, Mark Penn. No candidate in either party spent more on polling, which will not undermine her image as a calculating politician. The senator is also a thorough politician. The filings also show she made a $4,000 donation to House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, the senior Democrat in Congress from South Carolina, a key 2008 primary state. All the campaigns are heavily courting the so-far unaffiliated Clyburn; Clinton is the only one to use her presidential committee to make donations to him. ...John Edwards has a hair weakness. His FEC filings show two $400 haircuts, which raise at least two issues. The first is: what can you get for a $400 haircut, anyway? The second is, given Edwards' past trouble of looking like he cares too much for his hair, couldn't he have put the trims on his personal account? McCain...$16,317 in catering costs for an event at the swank Beverly Hilton hotel seems more politically problematic, especially since it may come to symbolize the trouble the campaign finds itself in after having raised only $13 million in the first quarter while spending $8 million...McCain has campaigned for years as a pork buster and someone who hasn't been tainted by the profligate spending ways of Washington. ~ Mike Got this comment: I serve on the Mass. GOP State Committee, and it was long a joke that we went from catered dinners to a glass of ice water and a peppermint for refreshment when Mitt became Governor! Heck, it took two months to get coffee served! I especially remember one event - the Rooftop of the Ritz Carleton in Boston - and the refreshments were stale blue corn chips and watery salsa. On the other hand, our state party chair announced that we raised $200,000 that evening - so you be the judge! And we all went back for those events again and again. SC: McCain Endorser Votes For Romney in Straw Poll, May Withdraw Endorsement All of you who read my post from earlier this week know that McCain has managed to receive the endorsements of a majority of the state legislators from the state of South Carolina. And all of you who read an even earlier article know that it is straw poll time in South Carolina as each county holds their county conventions this month. As a result, many of the candidates are down in South Carolina for extended stays: Giuliani, Brownback, Hunter, and Romney were/are all down there, and probably some of the other candidates as well. One man conspicuously absent from working the county conventions is John McCain, and the grassroots folks are taking note. Some are even comparing it to his missing the CPAC, Club for Growth, and the Heritage Foundation conferences earlier this year. And his absence might cost him, too, in the areas of not only grassroots activists but endorsers as well: State Rep. Thad Viers of Myrtle Beach was one of 40 Statehouse Republicans who earlier this year endorsed McCain. But Saturday, Viers was at the Horry County GOP convention wondering where McCain was and listening to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. “He gave a great Reaganesque speech. I liked him so much I voted for him in the straw poll,” Viers said. Viers hasn’t yet decided to withdraw his support for McCain, but will if McCain’s doesn’t steer away from an immigration law compromise he’s been developing with Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. “I think he is taking people for granted,” Viers said. “You can’t assume that people are voting for you.” McCain is continuing his strange tactic of avoiding places where conservatives are gathered (and where the rest of the candidates are). His answer to all who are wondering where he is? McCain’s camp says his calendar precludes him from attending, and that the candidate prefers to speak to smaller crowds for longer times than conventions allow. While some question McCain having prior commitments during the SC convention season, he is doing two things to try and soften the blow of his absence: sending proxies and counting on his money buying support: His campaign has contacted delegates with mailings, staffed tables at the events and sent surrogates to speak for him. The stand-ins include former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, who is to speak for McCain at conventions in Spartanburg, Laurens and Richland counties this weekend… Boling said McCain’s campaign…is instead focusing on building a support network in part by donating money to local GOP groups and candidates. He said the campaign made $180,000 in donations before the November election. As we await more straw poll results, it will be interesting to see if McCain’s lack of campaigning at the county conventions will continue to cost him support in the state McCain Dominant in South Carolina Straw Polls Speaking of straw poll results, there’s this from the Hotline: [It] seems that Sen. John McCain has won five South Carolina straw polls: Spartanburg, Dillon, Florence, Clarendon and Greenwood. [links are mine] McCain had planned to hold a series of townhall meetings at American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) posts around the state yesterday, but canceled his travel itinerary due to Monday’s horrible events at Virginia Tech. I’m sure they’ll reschedule as soon as possible. Later today, he’ll attend a $2,300/person fundraiser in Charleston, SC. He also plans to stop in South Carolina on April 26th as part of his official 4-day campaign kickoff. State Rep. Thad Viers of Myrtle Beach was one of 40 Statehouse Republicans who earlier this year endorsed McCain. But Saturday, Viers was at the Horry County GOP convention wondering where McCain was and listening to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. “He gave a great Reaganesque speech. I liked him so much I voted for him in the straw poll,” Viers said. HeavyM and Rep. Viers wondered where he was on Saturday? Why, he was in Des Moines, Iowa giving a speech at the Lincoln Day Dinner. Kavon even provided photographic proof. Now, you don’t have to convince me that John McCain is an amazing human being, but even he is incapable of being in two places at once. I tend to think that that qualifies as a scheduling conflict. Let’s be fair and not forget Mitt’s own “scheduling conflict” last month either. The notion that he is deliberately avoiding conservative conventions is, quite frankly, ridiculous. Just last week McCain attended the Ottawa County, Michigan Convention and South Carolina is at the center of the entire McCain campaign for the Presidency. If he doesn’t win the state, he doesn’t win the nomination. It’s really that simple. 2008 Race Rankings: The Democrats There is no Democratic front-runner. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards all have a plausible claim on the nomination. The usual metrics are all jumbled. Clinton leads the money race, leads in New Hampshire, and tops the national polls. Obama led in one recent South Carolina poll we saw, in media love, and in enthusiasm. Edwards has the tightest message, the best organization in Iowa, and the lead in Iowa. These rankings are ordered by likelihood of winning the Democratic Party primary and are based on a number of factors, including organization, money, buzz and polling. Click here for Republican rankings. 1. No One -- Help wanted. Perhaps the "winner" of the first debate will nudge above the rest. 2.(tie) Hillary Clinton -- New York senator Last Ranking: 1 -- Has a solid lead in national polling ever meant so little, so early? We're not sure the Clinton camp sufficiently steeled itself for the inevitable bruise of Obama's ability to match her in fundraising. The Clinton machine was built by hard work, but also by contingency and circumstance: the magic of doing the right things at the right time. To win, Hillary has to sell herself as a doer (in contrast to Obama's "hoper") and a trailblazer (will she alienate men?). She must also figure out how to survive the early debates without the aura of invincibility that might have kept her rivals from shooting buckshot in her direction and the aura of celebrity that, just six months ago, would have guaranteed that every crowd her campaign built was large and inspired. The good news, though, is that somebody else now has to share the burden of expectations. 2.(tie) Barack Obama -- Illinois senator - - Last Ranking: 2 The Obama campaign has been slow, steady and methodical. At this moment, it doesn't matter that Obama lacks a health care plan, a comprehensive economic policy, any subtle foreign policy vision or even a concrete proposal to move the Middle East peace process forward. But the idea of Obama is worth, it's safe to say, about 20 points in the national polls, and that is not sufficient. Just like Clinton, Obama has earned the privilege to fight for the nomination. That means he must subject himself to the indignities of a presidential campaign. Does he have the plod? 2.5. John Edwards -- Former North Carolina senator Last Ranking: 3 -- From the perspective of pure politics, the cancer announcement and its aftermath were handled adroitly. Edwards has had a good quarter, but he's still stuck between tiers, as our colleague Stu Rothenberg eloquently put it. We are impressed by Edwards' enduring lead in Iowa, where crowds have shown up to Clinton and Obama events, processed them and haven't changed their minds. Still, the Edwards folks have to fortify themselves for the inevitable Iowa falloff. Can they prevent the media from overreacting? Dick Gephardt couldn't survive once he lost his Iowa inevitability. Can Edwards? His final target is Clinton; his immediate enemy is Obama. As you watch him in the debates, keep that in mind. Continue reading the Democratic race rankings. GOP: Romney Secures Strong Start In State "Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has established an organizational advantage over his rival candidates in Iowa, according to GOP officials in some of the leadoff caucus state's most populous counties." Romney Makes Financial And Ideological Surge "Mitt Romney - a successful businessman, savior of the Salt Lake Olympics and former Republican governor of a Northeastern state - may not be the most obvious Republican choice for commander in chief ... But if you listen to the way Romney's been talking lately, the 'obvious choice' may change." KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THE POLES, RUDY Rich Lowry has a great quote on The Corner: Finally, the "opinion" that the government should protect unborn life should indeed be one of the "tentpoles" of the GOP tent. If a pro-choicer wants to come under that tent, wonderful—but he should keep his hands off the poles. Cattle Callin' So we’ve been sitting around thinking about how to review the Lincoln Day “Not so much Unity” Dinner and have had a lot of trouble. We thought about giving you our fave speeches in decending order but decided against (If you really care we thought the following people gave good speeches in order: Romney, Tancredo, Brownback, McCain and the following made us want to give the speaker a swirlie: Gilmore, Thompson). We thought about letting our correspondent give an anecdote filled report. But he/she/it decided they didn’t want to take notes. We thought about just doing an ode to the Fair Tax booth, but decided that would be inappropriate on a family blog. But in the end we figured those that read the Cooler were there and it was a marathon, so we’re not going to give you a marathon recap. If you weren’t there and want a recap the following links are the best ones to hit. The FAB-U-LOUS Jonathan Martin blog. (If we were better at blogging, we would have done what he did) Register Part 1 and Part2. (We mostly want to point you to these stories because we like to gloat and they each hit on 2 things we’ve been saying at the Cooler for months. McCain’s the only guy with the guts to take on Iraq and Romney’s organization is the crème de la crème) The WashPost And our buddy Krusty Konservative And if you are wondering why comments are gone. You didn’t read the crap that was dumped on a good guy under the last post. We’ll reopen at some point… Va. Tech Shooting Puts Politics on Hold I just wrote a piece on how the presidential campaign is observing an unofficial day of mourning today in honor of those killed yesterday at Virginia Tech. This cessation of politics is not without precedent. Following former President Ronald Reagan's.. Labels: news

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