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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
posted by Jeff Fuller | 1:13 AM | permalink
I love numbers and graphs. Here, the NY Times has provided a great resource.

Many may have seen my post on the MSM's attempts to "explain" or "knock" Romney's fundraising.

I've analyzed some of the numbers and we can see who's REALLY tapping the big money donors the most.

Analysis of maxed-out donors ($2300/donor):

Total(mil) from max-out donors
% of total contributions from maxed-out donors









T. Thompson


The one thing that stands out is that Hillary is the epitome of the "Big Money" candidate. 3/4th of her massive haul came from donors who contributed the max. She nearly doubles all other candidate in the total haul from maxed-out donors at $19.2 million. This is obviously a testament to the Bill and Hillary Clinton fundraising machine. However, it portends that she has a lot of work to do to expand her fundraising base.

Also, Obama and Edwards aren't quite the pure "candidates of the common man" that they get made out to be (they are grouped with Romney getting just under half of their funds from "big money" donors . . . but the MSM's been telling us that Romney's the one whose "Rolodex is stuffed with wealthy supporters")

Giuliani, percentage-wise at 61%, drew much more heavily on wealthy supporters than any other GOP candidate. He'll have more work to do than Romney (48%) and McCain (43%) at building a more sustainable fundraising base.

Among non-top-tier GOP candidates it appears that Brownback has the most hope of building some fundraising momentum in smaller donations . . . but he doesn't seem to be able to lock up the big donors, which is not good news for him. It is actually doubtful that any of them will be able to raise much money in comparison to the top-tier candidates.

Jeff Fuller
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It's a shame that Romney has all that money with no conservative record to stand on.

It's a shame your candidate's only chance is to eat the crumbs from the Romney table.


If I remember correctly, you're a Brownback guy. He's a nice man w/ a strong record on abortion. His record in other areas is weaker, however. This election is about multiple issues--not the one or two Brownback is strong on.

People believe in Romney--and it's not just rich Mormons and businessmen--and consequently give him $. Your man, sadly, doesn't generate that same support. Hopefully, we'll later be able to unite behind a common man. I hope that man is Mitt. If it's not, I'll support whomever wins the primary. Till then, good luck.

State Rep. Thad Viers of Myrtle Beach was one of 40 Statehouse Republicans who earlier this year endorsed McCain. But Saturday, Viers was at the Horry County GOP convention wondering where McCain was and listening to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

“He gave a great Reaganesque speech. I liked him so much I voted for him in the straw poll,” Viers said.

Viers hasn’t yet decided to withdraw his support for McCain, but will if McCain’s doesn’t steer away from an immigration law compromise he’s been developing with Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass.

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