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Monday, April 16, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 10:27 AM | permalink

Judith Giuliani moved herself and her 10 year old daughter into Manos Zacharioudakis's apartment on East 55th Street in New York soon after she was divorced from her second husband and before she met her third -- Rudy. They lived together for four years.

The New York Daily News has an article out today that says Zacharioudakis supports his old flame:

"She is a sensual person; she is a passionate person. She has that Italian eroticism and passion."

The article goes on to reveal that Zacharioudakis embarassed Judith in 2000, when Giuliani revealed their affair at a press conference while still married and living with his two small children in Gracie Mansion. How? By holding a Greenwich Village book reading of his erotic novel, "Dance the Melting Ice." This is an "autobiographical" novel which he claims is "based on my relationship with Judi, but it's not about her."

People have talked a great deal about the "firsts" of this Presidential election -- the the first woman, the first African American, the first Italian-American... This article reveals that Judi would qualify as the first potential First lady whose inspire an erotic novel. It makes the "first Mormon" qualifier not look so bad, no?

As Cindy Adams would say, "Only in New York, Kids, Only in New York"... except the Giulianis want all of America to accept them with open arms.

A Rising Swell of Support in South Carolina

If you have been watching Mitt Romney's progress in South Carolina for any length of time, you will recognize the significance of what we are starting to see across the state as county GOP conventions convene and conduct straw polls.

Over the past week we have cheered as Romney has finished first or second in each county's straw poll, but nobody expected the support Romney received over the past weekend. It all started with a shocker in Charleston--as Ann Marie posted on Saturday.

As with any single straw poll victory, observers might question if the results reflected extra campaigning and resources focused on that single event. To the skeptics, I offer exhibit B (from The Chaser):

This weekend we saw the first in a series of big straw polls across the state. Our numbers show that 527 GOP activists voted.

We can argue all day about the importance of straw polls and whether or not they truly mean anything, but for now we will just report the numbers.

We can deduce many different things from these numbers, but four stats jump out at us:

1) Romney is climbing within the GOP base and he is picking up support in past McCain strongholds including Charleston & Horry.
2) McCain is dropping within the GOP base.
3) The GOP base isn’t as wild about Giuliani as public polls show the ordinary voters are.
4) Although the news wants everyone to believe that the GOP base is unsatisfied with its slate of candidates, these straw polls show otherwise. Only 11% voted for Gingrich or Fred Thompson.
TOTAL – 527 voters

Romney – 190 - 36.05%
McCain – 106 - 20.11%
Giuliani – 63 - 11.95%
Huckabee – 37 - 7.02%
F Thompson – 32 - 6.07%
Brownback – 30 - 5.69%
Hunter – 28 - 5.31%
Gingrich – 23 - 4.36%
Paul – 4 - 0.76%
Tancredo – 4 - 0.76%
T Thompson – 2 - 0.38%

Combine the weekend numbers with last weeks' results and here's the leader board with over 730 votes cast in 9 different counties:

"> Read more!

According to ABC's "Political Radar", John McCain still wants to change the GOP's abortion platform to explicitly recognize exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

In response, Sen. Sam Brownback said, "We should not change the platform. It should not be changed."

Iowa Lincoln Day Dinner: Is Jim Gilmore an idiot?

Krusty has a great write up of the Iowa Lincoln Day dinner. So does Kavon at Race42008. I can’t add much to their reporting, so I will get it be.

However, I will note that Jim Gilmore continued to look like an idiot. And I’m not referring to his flop of a line about "Rudy McRomney". Instead, I am talking about his ham-fisted attack on Fred Thompson:

He jabbed Fred Thompson for only playing a prosecutor on TV.

Up… No. Fred Thompson’s first acting experience was playing himself in the 1985 movie Marie, dramatization of a dangerous prosecution of political corruption in Tennessee.

So Governor Gilmore. You were a prosecutor. Fred Thompson was too. He did something so heroic it got into the movies. You, Governor Gilmore, failed on the car tax, turned the state over to Democrats, and failed as RNC Chair.

The snowball effect of bad news can be fatal in politics. Maybe you shouldn’t mention that to John McCain. With dismal fundraising numbers in the last quarterly report, JMac needs a boost. But the mishaps keep piling up for him, as he spent $8.4 mil of that money already. And what’s to show for the expense? More bad poll numbers and a bevy of wary GOP donors that will most likely back away from McCain when he comes calling for more cash.


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