posted by Justin Hart | 10:47 AM |
More email reaction to Rich Lowry:
Hi Rich. Giuliani's comments are the kind of talk that is going to ensure that the Democrats win the White House. He's talking about people ignoring their core beliefs. I have respect for him and think he's a great speaker, but as a Christian conservative (ironically, from Iowa) I can honestly tell you that I will not vote for him. Period. And I don't care if it does allow Hillary the presidency…
David Brody has the video:
h/t Rich LowryThe New York Port has some remarks by Rudy that frankly are eye-popping to me. As Kate O'Beirne has argued, if the GOP loses its abortion platform... we lose period!
Giuliani made his sharpest case for moving beyond social issues this weekend in Iowa, telling The Des Moines Register, "Our party is going to grow, and we are going to win in 2008 if we are a party characterized by what we're for, not if we're a party that's known for what we're against."
Asked about abortion, he said, "Our party has to get beyond issues like that."
Labels: abortion, rudy
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