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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 1:32 PM | permalink

This is absurd. Washington Post's "The Slueth" (aka Mary Ann Akers) tries to politicize the VT incident against Romney because he refused to politicize it.

In my mind... the Romney campaign took the high road -- even going so far as to cancel all events on Tuesday and postpone a D.C. fundraiser that was months in the making. There is no reason for noted pols to get attention over this issue.

The Sleuth would do well to take Gov. Kaine's advice:
VA GOV. TIM KAINE: I think that people who want to take this within 24 hours of the event and make it their political hobby horse to ride, I have nothing but loathing for them. This is not a political hobby horse or a crusade or something for a campaign or for a fundraising mailing. At this point, what it's about is comforting family members, doing what can be done to make sure that they have the ability to see their family members, that bodies can be released to families, and helping this community heal. And so to those who want to try to make this into some
little crusade, you know I say take that elsewhere. Let this community deal with grieving individuals and be sensitive to those needs. (Press Conference, 4/17/07)

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This is the same problem the media has had in covering Romney: trying to connect two unrelated things. Romney's statements about his personal hunting has nothing to do with the massacre at Virginia Tech. Trying to tie the two is not only a massive stretch of the even the most vivid imagination, but is purely speculation. It has nothing to do with journalism, facts, or truth.

I get updates to your blog via RSS, and so when I read your blog, I just had to go read the article. It pissed me off so bad, I actually wrote the Washington Post and asked for Mary Ann to be fired! This is bullcrap.

I wrote a bit more about it in my blog (
I hope they do something. That is absolutely ridiculous to write a column with this kind of slant.

still mad...

Hey Justin, thanks for bringing this one out. I was so mad when I read that article. I could not believe that someone would go out of their way to look for mud at this time of grieving in our nation. And then to write something that in effect congratulates the other politicians for doing the "politician thing" is astounding. I can't say what I would really like to say about this person. It is shameful what she wrote I think.

Mitt Romney's approach was not only dignified, it was gracious and understated as it should be. What person at this time in our nation's grieving should go out of their way to draw attention to themselves.

Oh, that is right ---> MS. AKERS!

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