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Friday, April 27, 2007
posted by jason | 7:29 AM | permalink
From RCP:

Romney said the May 3 debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library -- co-sponsored by The Politico and MSNBC -- proves that Republicans "have a lot more courage of our convictions," because they are willing to take questions from a moderator who earlier in his career worked as an aide to Democratic politicians. Democratic presidential candidates have refused to take part in two debates co-sponsored by Fox News, arguing that the network is slanted toward Republicans.

"Why is it that the Democrats wouldn't even go on Fox, but we Republicans are happy to sit there and have Chris Matthews of the Carter administration, former chief of staff to (ex-House speaker) Tip O'Neill?" asked Romney, in a Tuesday evening interview here with The Politico. "We're happy to sit there and have him dish questions to us, but they won't even go on Fox."

Democrats have backed out of debates co-sponsored by Fox with the Nevada Democratic Party and the Congressional Black Caucus Political Education and Leadership Institute amid strong pressure from liberal online activists who contended that Fox has a pro-conservative bias.

Yes the Demo's are wimps, we saw it last night. Actually last night seemed like a game of softball. I wouldn't blame it on the moderator necessarily, but rather the short amount of time given to answer questions. Makes me glad SC is considering limiting the number of GOP candidates in their debate. I do give Kucinich points for pointing out he lived in the same house he bought long ago for $20,000- a good jab at Edwards.
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That was a good jab by Kucinich at Edwards. I feel though that in the context of last nights debate, Romney will be facing off against Obama or Biden or perhaps both for the general election. That would make it one very close election.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 27, 2007 at 7:58 AM  

I did watch the debates though I wasn't sure if I could stomach the contest to get that white flag up the highest and fastest. It was decidedly lackluster, except for the older statesman from Alaska who got a few smiles out of me. Can't wait for the substance next week.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 27, 2007 at 9:07 AM  

Dems are wimps? Romney has five sons all of enlistment age and over the last 6 years of our "war on terror" not one of them chose to join and fight?

The Romneys are cowards. They wish to others to fight wars they are to afraid to fight themselves.

Get your head out of the dirt.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 27, 2007 at 7:59 PM  

We have a volunteer military, and choosing to not serve does not equate to cowardice-although making inflammatory comments without stating your name may. Follow your own skewed ethical system, and step away from the keyboard and go to your local recruitment office.
The "Chicken Hawk" argument you are tapping into is illogical. Was FDR a chicken hawk? Was Abraham Lincoln? Find a better justification for your opposition to the current war.

Somebody named "Anonymous" is calling the Romney's cowards?

Now that is rich.

We are a FREE country with a VOLUNTEER military. Why does that bother you socialists so much?

Are you angry about the unfair taxation of Mitt Romney's hard earned money?

I suspect the Romney family has done more for this country through hard work and tax dollars than you, ANONYMOUS.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 1, 2007 at 9:12 AM  

Until debates return, at least somewhat, to the debates like Lincoln and Sen. Douglas had, we are getting ripped off as voters. Debates have too many rules and are too preplanned. I want to see a candidate who can speak with authority, not from notes. So Romney has done well with this, doing the YouTube vids and such.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 1, 2007 at 11:58 AM  

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