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Thursday, April 26, 2007
posted by jason | 7:05 AM | permalink
Boston Globe reports:
Republican Mitt Romney would appoint an ambassador-at-large to prevent nuclear terror if elected president, arguing that avoiding a terrorist attack with unsecured nuclear weapons should take on heightened urgency in the United States.
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The Republican candidate, in a speech planned for Thursday night at Yeshiva University in New York, says such a person would have the authority and resources to cross agency and departmental boundaries, ensuring nonproliferation strategies are coordinated at home and abroad.

"Further, I would promote an international initiative to develop a new body of international law that would make nuclear trafficking a crime against humanity, on a par with genocide and war crimes," according to a text of Romney's remarks provided to The Associated Press. "By allowing for universal jurisdiction, charges can be brought up in any court preventing traffickers from hiding in complicit or weak countries."

Romney says the acts of black marketeers trying to sell so-called loose nukes "should not be dismissed with the kind of nonchalance that accompanies routine violations of the law."

David Brody had this to say:
This Mitt Romney guy is really something else. I've been researching the candidates for months now and Romney always seems to be ahead of the curve.

Tonight at Yeshiva University in New York he's going to propose that as President he would create the position of a nuclear terror ambassador. You can read more on this by clicking here.

I'm not going to get into the merits of how that would work. My point is simply that time after time Mitt Romney seems to come up with innovative ideas before others. Look at healthcare in Massachussetts. You may not like it, but he's thinking outside the box. Romney came into the Salt Lake City Olympic games and had a bunch of ideas to turn it around. The guy's a successful CEO who is clearly a man full of ideas...

...Like a prize fighter, Romney is not up against the ropes waiting for the next punch to be thrown. He's the one throwing haymakers. If he keeps it up with more fresh ideas, he just may deliver a knockout.
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