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Monday, March 5, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 12:42 PM | permalink
There's bit a bit of nonsense going around that the CPAC straw poll was manufactured for Mitt's outcome. Some have suggested that he paid people to show up. Neither is true.

I spoke at length with numerous Mitt supporters at CPAC and I have to say that these were dedicated students who really REALLY want Mitt to win.

But judge for yourself I interviewed about 10 of them. These aren't shills who were told what to say... rather they were extremely articulate students who were willing to take a few days off from school and support Mitt at a very important event.

Matt Lewis of had this to say:
1. Some people will tell you that Mitt Romney didn't deserve to win (because he bussed in College Republicans to vote for him). That's like saying George W. Bush didn't deserve to win because he raised more money than his opponent. Romney's ability to organize, inspire, and transport college students to the conference is precisely why he did deserve to win! A campaign that has the organizational ability to bus in college students has the organizational ability to do a lot of other things, too. The rules allow for it, so what's wrong with Romney doing what he has to do (within the rules) to win?
source (h/t Evangelicals for Mitt)

I should also note that the results of the straw poll mirror the LA Times poll from last week of GOP insiders.

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