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Friday, March 16, 2007
posted by Justin Hart | 10:00 AM | permalink
This week we had a flurry of activity around Mitt Romney.
  • Happy Birthday Mr. President (to be) - Of course that phrase sound a lot better coming from Marilyn Monroe... but we feel confident enough about it to make that bold prediction. MMM launched the Mitt Birthday party by helping to raise thousands of dollars for his campaign. Now, we didn't reach our goal of $60,000 (in honor of Mitt's 60th)... but he's still 60 for another year!

  • A Mormon in the White House? - We think that would be just fine. Even the non-Mormons among us here on MMM have absolutely no problem with that... but a lot of people do. In this election landmark book Hugh Hewitt takes on this issue. Get your copy today:

  • Blogs, blogs and more blogs for Romney - Earlier in the week we demonstrated the prowess that Romney has around the blogosphere. It turns out that the number of blogs directly in support of Mitt Romney FAR OUT NUMBER the like number of his competitors

  • Polls, polls, and more polls - As we pointed out on numerous occasions this week, most of the polls out there are demonstrating good if not significant momentum for Mitt.

  • Have you seen Johnny? - John McCain is no where to be found... at least he seems to be no where with conservatives

  • Mitt Romney and gun control - I think we effectively demonstrated the folly behind accusing Mitt Romney of being anti-gun. For more details see here

  • Episode catch-up - Don't you hate it when you get behind on Lost, 24 and other TV shows. Are you feeling lost about the Mitt campaign. Don't be. Shee this interactive roadmap to help you along the way

  • Evans and Novak step in it (again!) - Last week we demonstrated (with video!) numerous errors that the Evans/Novak newsletter had made in describing the CPAC straw poll. We'll, this week they stepped in it again.

  • Romney on Larry King - Be sure to catch this great interview with Larry King from last night

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INCREDIBLE! Day by day - I am more impressed, pleased, and convinced that Mitt Romney is the BEST person to lead our Country! Although I could not get to the Larry King video from your link above - I went to CNN and watched the entire discourse. Romney IS an intelligent, capable, competent, honest, decent person!

I would strongly advise of sharing this video to everyone you can....let's get this out there!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 16, 2007 at 2:21 PM  

Here's another link to the Larry King interview, on Larry King's own website(just scroll down), in case anybody can't get the video link above for some reason like me:
Larry King Interview
Romney did really well! He showed a lot of poise and charisma. I can't wait to see him next to the other candidates in a real debate!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 16, 2007 at 5:47 PM  

I was unable to view the Larry King interview from the above link. However, I was just informed by the Iowans for Romney site( that one can go to the following Romney-specific YouTube channel for Larry's and many other videos:

Check out the site. You won't have enough time to view all that's there. Mitt is clearly on a roll right now.

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