Why is this posted? This kind of ridiculous garbage is unnecessary and ineffective, and is certainly not something that Barack Obama would endorse. Merely because one of his supporters (or some sly fellow wanting to link it to his supporters) has put Obama's name on the tag, does not vindicate attributing it to him. Come on guys, Mitt's had to endure so much of this propaganda from those fearmongering about Mormonism, let's not contribute to the problem by sinking to such a level. I appreciate smear attacks on Clinton about as much as I regard youtube videos about Romney and his cult church [sic] (Regardless of the superiority of the former's editing.)
I have to agree with Destry on this one. This video is just mean-spirited and has nothing to do with Romney or his campaign. Let's leave the mud-slinging to the left (they're so good at it) and Romney can remain spotless when he hits the debate lecturn to face off with whatever haggard, dirty candidate is left to oppose him.
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